Can Christians Be Hexed?


Every year, around October, Christian writers, bloggers and preachers discuss the positives or negatives to Halloween. Churches and ministries will not join in the festivities, but they may host a “harvest” party. It looks similar to other events going on in our neighborhoods, but officially it assuages people’s conscience because it’s not celebrating the “darkness.”

And, every year without fail, Christians talk about the “evil” going on during this new season. Viral articles go to great lengths trying to convince Spirit-filled believers how not to be hexed. And signs of being hexed may be exhaustion, unexplained fatigue, a migraine, sickness and more. Books will be written providing formulas for you to pray, making sure you’re “praying the correct prayers.” In a way, these prayers look similar to incantations themselves, but they mention the name Jesus.

With the “current upsurge” this month of demonic activity, as covens meet, witches and warlock curses seem to be a concern. These things may seem to feel spiritually accurate, but the question is, are they biblically accurate?

Within the pages of the Old Testament, Proverbs 26:2 says, “As the bird by flitting, as the swallow by flying, so the curse without cause will not alight.” This shows that a verbal curse, whether it is demonic, such as a spell or incantation, or a negative pronouncement, will just fly by. When a curse is spoken toward a believer in Yahweh, it will not come to pass. And no-where in the Old Covenant does a curse intended for demonic purposes affect children of God. In the case of Balaam, the curse he was hired to pronounce over Israel was reversed into a blessing by the Holy Spirit.

As a Spirit-empowered Christian, in reference to Jesus, Hebrews 8:6 says, “But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, because He is the Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises.” If demonic, spoken-word curses had no bearing on Old Testament followers of God, then believers in Jesus under the new covenant cannot be hexed. We are under better promises. Curses will not settle on you if you are in Christ.

And most importantly, the enemy is powerless against us because we are in Christ. Colossians 2:14-15 says, “He blotted out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us and contrary to us, and He took it out of the way, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed authorities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them by the cross.”

All demonic authority was crucified and made a spectacle by Jesus as he triumphed over the Law, taking the punishment we deserved for sins. He took the curse of the Law, of sin and death, breaking and disarming all demonic influence on the cross. And then He sent His wonderful Holy Spirit to empower you, to do greater things in His name (John 14:12). {eoa}

Jared Laskey, M.Div., M.A. Christian Ministry, is senior pastor of Destiny Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He is a staff writer for GODTV and contributor to Charisma Magazine. You can follow him on twitter @jaredalaskey and purchase his co-authored Veronica’s Hero. You can also subscribe to his podcast and check out Fireborn Ministries.


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