Chuck Pierce Prophesies: If We Stay Ignorant About America, Our Children Will Suffer


While the spiritual war for America’s soul rages, God is speaking to His prophets. His heart is to equip us—if we’ll listen. I wrote about this spiritual struggle in my newsletter yesterday, where I shared the first part of “The Spiritual Struggle for the Soul of America,” the cover story I wrote for Charisma‘s November issue.

The article is long and in-depth—which is part of the reason I broke it up into three parts to share with you. But that’s also the very reason I think you’ll enjoy it. Today, I want to share with you Part 2 of that article, where I unpack the prophecies God has given about Trump and the direction of our country. The following is taken from Charisma‘s November cover story:

In God and Donald Trump, I quote respected prophet Chuck Pierce, who said as early as 2008 that God would raise up Donald Trump. At his annual Head of the Year 5779 conference this September, Pierce told a crowd of thousands that there is a spiritual battle in America.

“Hosea the prophet says this: ‘My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,'” Pierce said. “‘Because you rejected knowledge, I also reject you from being priests. Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I forget your children.’ We have to understand that we are in a precarious place as a nation. What it says is, ‘If you remain ignorant about what is going on in your nation, I will have to reject your children. It might not affect you, but it will affect your children.’ So I think what we saw God do recently, a couple of years ago, was say[ing], ‘I really love this nation, and I’m going to start taking control of it, and redoing it, and getting it ready for the future.'”

Pierce is not known to “be political.” He prays. He flew to Israel to intercede on Election Day 2016 after he felt directed by the Lord to do so. During the George W. Bush administration, he and Dutch Sheets traveled to all 50 states to stir up believers to pray for this nation, which I also reported in my book.

During that tour, Pierce felt the Lord tell him the next president would be an African-American who would have two terms. Even though some of his friends didn’t like that word, he reminded them that, as Christians, we are called to pray for authority.

“With prophets, we are called to say what will be,” Pierce says. “I don’t have a choice to be political and be Republican or Democrat. I have to choose to say, ‘This must happen or else your children will be lost.’ What we have heard here is a message saying God’s hand has come down in America. Realign the nation covenantally with God’s nation called Israel. This is so key for us to get as we move forward. And now hear me prophetically: within three years, it is lost. I will go beyond what John Kilpatrick was saying. Without this shifting by February of next year, fully into place to get secure, in three years, this is lost.”

There is no mistaking the emotion or the intensity of those who were crying out for change. In the Christian community, millions were praying. Large gatherings such as TheCall, led by my friend Lou Engle, were not protesting anything but were publicly interceding for America and its need for revival.

But prayer went beyond the huge gatherings; churches and individuals also prayed. My longtime friend Monica Nagy began a daily prayer phone call, which has gone on every day from 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. EST since the inauguration. She calls it “Praying Believers” and tells people the purpose is to “pray for our president and nation—decreeing and declaring that America will once again become one nation under God.” Prayer warriors from all over the country join the daily call, which is under the leadership of Pastor Dana Gammill, senior pastor of Cathedral of Life Church in Canton, Ohio. And although Nagy began her call after the inauguration, my friends Dr. Don and Mary Colbert started a daily conference call leading up to the election that included thousands or prayer warriors.

I believe in the power of prayer. While many would discount the value of prayer meetings like this, I have no doubt that Donald Trump’s election was an answer to Christians’ prayers.

At an Orlando meeting in August, Kenneth Copeland said the nation is in the mess it’s in because too often, Christians did nothing. As far back as prayer and the Bible being taken out of schools in the early 1960s, Christians did nothing. The country has been sliding toward socialism, he says, and Donald Trump is working to keep out socialism. In spite of the criticism Trump seems to get from many circles, Copeland assured his partners that Trump is a good man who speaks for the common man.

Though Copeland initially supported Ted Cruz, Copeland was invited to meet with Trump, where he laid hands on the future president and prayed God would give him wisdom. That prayer must have made an impression on Trump, because when he held a state dinner to honor evangelical leaders, he invited Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and reportedly told them he enjoyed watching their program.

I believe Donald Trump was raised up by God at this pivotal time in our history. There were political expressions of the changing mood of the country. But I believe something was happening spiritually. Christians were praying for things to change, and the New York real estate tycoon was actually an answer to prayer. Nothing quite like it had ever happened.

Documenting this is why I wrote God and Donald Trump. None of the books about the election or Trump even touched on the spiritual aspects. Yet isn’t the unseen spiritual realm really the most important? As Benjamin Franklin reminded the Continental Congress when it looked like the U.S. Constitution would not be ratified, doesn’t God get involved in the affairs of man?

I did more than 100 media interviews in conjunction with God and Donald Trump—most on Christian media, but some in secular media. In most of them, I talked about the supernatural if I could work it in. For example, I brought up prophecy, something which makes no sense to not only secular people but also some Protestants. I recounted how several modern-day prophets had predicted that, against all odds, Donald Trump would be the next president of the United States. This had happened as far back as 2007, and it’s something I documented in the book. Months before the election, I wrote about the prophetic voices in this magazine and online.

Those prophecies may have sounded ridiculous or impossible to some people, but Trump was elected, just as the prophets had said. The prophecies were one reason I had enough confidence to fly to New York for the election-night party. I know it seems crazy, but somehow, some way, God intervened in that election and saved us from “corrupt Hillary” becoming president.

When I was interviewed about the book, secular television reporters asked me how evangelicals could bring themselves to vote for a man so flawed. I found myself saying that millions of Christians were praying that somehow God would shift the direction in which this nation is headed. I said God answered our prayers in a way we didn’t expect with a person we didn’t necessarily like. But once Trump began to implement his policies, we were sure we had made the right choice.

As I’ve already mentioned, I didn’t support Trump initially for the same reason some evangelicals still don’t support him: His lifestyle and brash behavior were not what Christians want from their national leaders. As I’ve said on many occasions, I publicly endorsed Ted Cruz and supported him until the day he dropped out. By then, I had become aware of the comparisons between Donald Trump and the pagan Persian king Cyrus the Great, who let the Israelites return from captivity to Jerusalem. If God could use Cyrus (and many other imperfect leaders in the Bible), why should I question him using someone as imperfect as Donald Trump?

During an interview on CBN’s 700 Club on June 21, 2018, Anne Graham Lotz, Billy Graham’s daughter and Franklin Graham’s sister, agreed.

“I know we have issues with the way he expresses himself,” Lotz said. “But his policies have been stunningly supportive of biblical values. Right now, he has my applause and my prayers … because I think he’s in a very dangerous place. You can feel the enemy trying to tear him to shreds, including his policies that have taken a stand on biblical values.”

Addressing the apparent lack of faith in the younger generation, Lotz said she felt that part of the problem is that “Christian parents have not passed on the truth that leads to faith to their children. Maybe we left it up to the churches or to the professionals, and we didn’t do it ourselves. But something is disconnected because, instead of the nation getting better, we’ve gotten worse. We’ve gotten farther away from God’s Word. And it could be that, in response to what my father did, talking about spiritual warfare, [the devil has] just come in like a flood to try to undo any impact from my father’s ministry or other people’s ministries or the church. But we know in the end that we’ll be triumphant.”

The information from this article largely comes from my latest book, Trump Aftershock. In the book, I share the untold story of Trump’s many accomplishments, which I believe God is using to point our nation in the right direction. You can buy the book at and download a free chapter called “America at War With Itself.”

If what Chuck Pierce, Kenneth Copeland and Anne Graham Lotz said in this article resonated with you, be sure to listen to my podcast below and read tomorrow’s newsletter, where I share Part 3.

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