Indiana Gov. Mike Pence

Should We Just Call It the Religious Freedom Destruction Act?


Dear Governor Pence,

Well, I guess “the fix is in.”

Time is short so I’ll be very direct. This past week or so you’ve experienced the visceral wrath of the organized left, spearheaded by homosexual activist extremists. You’re not used to it. We Christian advocates for religious liberty are. While their bark is loud, shrill and obnoxious, I assure you, it’s much worse than their bite. We are witnessing governance by mob rule. It’s tyranny of the minority and you’re letting it happen.

With all due respect, sir, show some moxie, would you? It wasn’t broken and the alleged “fix” that the Indiana legislature, at your request, has proposed to the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), will destroy the law beyond all recognition. In fact, it will turn it into the “RFDA”—the “Religious Freedom Destruction Act.” No bill at all would have been better than this anti-Christian, sexual anarchist disaster.

What was intended as a shield to every American’s First Amendment-guaranteed religious liberty, as proposed, will now become a sword used to destroy it. What was designed to defend people of faith against being discriminated against and bullied will, instead, codify anti-religious discrimination and bullying into law. It will unconstitutionally force people of faith, under penalty of law, to affirmatively violate their sincerely held religious conscience. It has been turned into a weapon that compels people of faith to disobey God or face government sanction.

This is unacceptable.

As the American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer correctly notes, “The revised language has now been released, and it’s even worse than we thought. The new language forces Christian bakers to bake cakes in violation of their faith and conscience. Gov. Pence tried to fix something that wasn’t broken, and he broke it. The ‘cure’ in this case is far worse than the non-existent disease. Gov. Pence must veto this misbegotten piece of legislation.”

This is a complete 180. If this is the final version, it would be better if this “RFRA” had never even been introduced. Governor, again, you must veto this and clarify, perhaps even using similar language, that no person with a sincere religious belief against redefining the Christian definition of marriage may be compelled, in any way, shape or form, to participate in any event or endorse any message that violates the biblical tenets of sexual morality and natural marriage. If you do not, then you will become an enemy to religious liberty and your chances of ever becoming president are over.

It cannot be denied. The amended language to this bill gives special veto power to homosexuals and other gender-confused individuals over the First Amendment-protected rights of religious people. If you sign it, you will truly be granting the radical left a “license to discriminate.”

My dear friend and fellow constitutional attorney Jan LaRue put it succinctly: “It’s a Judas ‘kiss’ to people of faith—and during Holy Week, no less.”

Governor Pence, don’t you dare sell out people of faith for 30 pieces of silver.


The Christians

Matt Barber is founder and editor-in chief of He is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber).


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