Cornerstone TV, Stephen Strang: Here’s What Conservatives Can Expect After Last Week’s Election


On Election Day, I appeared on Cornerstone TV’s Real Life, where Don Black interviewed me again about my latest book, Trump Aftershock. Of course, at the time we were recording the interview, we still didn’t know what the outcome of the election would be. But one thing I knew was that the Democrats had already shown their true colors during Brett Kavanaugh’s hearing. I also knew if they won the House or the Senate, it would deeply impact our nation.

During Kavanaugh’s hearing, the left showed they were simply against everything conservatives—and most of all, Christian conservatives—stand for. They admitted from the start that they would oppose Trump’s SCOTUS nomination every step of the way, and they still regularly voice their desire to impeach the president. They’re even saying now that they want to impeach Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court! I don’t understand their logic behind this, since impeachment is reserved for illegal actions committed while in office.

Despite my vocal support of Republican candidates lately, though, I still consider myself to be politically neutral in many ways. After all, I find plenty of faults in both parties—and truth be told, it’s hard to tell the two apart except for their stances on a few issues. One thing that sets Republicans apart, however, is their willingness to support Trump. Democrats, on the other hand, went crazy with fury when Trump was elected. They had set their hopes fully on Hillary Clinton winning, so when she lost, the streets erupted with leftist riots and protests.

As I detail in my book, evidence indicates that liberal billionaires like George Soros and Tom Steyer are the ones fueling those protests—to the point of paying people to participate! In Trump Aftershock, I dedicated a whole chapter called “Billionaire Radicals” to the topic, revealing the money trails and organizations these billionaires have founded that support socialist agendas. To back these claims, I provide ample reliable research in the book.

And yet, despite these billionaire radicals and severe leftist opposition, our newly Democratic House can’t reverse the effects of Trump’s presidency. The decisions he’s already made will stand strong, such as cutting taxes, moving the embassy to Jerusalem and putting two conservatives on the Supreme Court.

Trump Aftershock documents these aftershocks and others in greater detail. In the book, I show how God is using Trump to further His agenda for the nation. I make it clear that Trump is clearly not perfect. But just as God has used imperfect people like King Cyrus, Winston Churchill and Gen. Patton to accomplish His purposes, I believe He is using Trump to drive the U.S. in the right direction.

You can read a sample chapter of my book and order a copy of your own at Trump Aftershock is also available at Walmart, Amazon, Books-A-Million, Barnes&Noble and The Christianbook Group.

Listen to my podcast to hear Don and I discuss the deeper implications of last week’s election!


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