Feeling Stuck? Time to Let the Holy Spirit Move You!


You have heard the still, small voice in your heart. You have dreams, visions or perhaps your own personal catalog of confirmed prophetic words. Yet, you still remain motionless, stuck in the familiar, paralyzed by all you continue to analyze. Even now, will your hopeful decree of “This is going to be my year to breakthrough” deliver your expected outcome?

The apostle Paul, speaking of the glorious future each one of us in Christ are destined for, wrote: “The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 8:14, TPT).

Too many of us love feeling the impulses, but we refuse to be moved by them. We want to know the big picture and all the details! The Lord, to our frustration, refuses to bow to our demands. He is ready for an adventure. He chooses to give us a glimpse of what lies ahead, then He expects us to yield with abandon to the direction we are already perceiving.

When you get right down to it, it is always fear of the unknown that ties our stomach in knots. In those moments, we need to forego the antacid and, instead, take the leap of a lifetime just as Abraham, “who left with only a promise and without even knowing ahead of time where he was going” (Heb. 11:8). Now, that is what being unstuck looks like!

In this amazing season of prolific change, Holy Spirit, like the fiery pillar and hovering cloud in the ancient wilderness, is rising up within you. His promptings are capturing your attention. He is propelling you into the good future that has been planned for you all along. You just have to let Him move you!

Listen to my latest podcast to learn how to transition into a new era.


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