Janet Boynes

Former Lesbian to President Obama: Why Won’t You Listen to Voices of Ex-Homosexuals Jesus Set Free?


I do not need to say much to convince you that our religious freedoms are under fire. Around the world, men, women and children alike are being murdered for their faith.

Although we people of faith in America are not yet being physically attacked in large numbers, there is a bully who would like to silence what we believe.

For years, the president of the United States has sat down with those in the LGBTQ community but has failed to hear the stories of those of us who have successfully left the homosexual lifestyle. As someone who spent 14 years in the homosexual lifestyle and then experienced the transforming power of Jesus Christ, I know it is possible to be set free. For 17 years, I have been living proof. 

Please join me in signing this petition to ask President Obama to hear the voices of those of us who know from personal experiences or through the experiences of others that it is possible to leave the homosexual lifestyle. 

I am confident that our voices can be heard if enough of us will sign this petition and stand united together. 

Janet Boynes is the founder of Janet Boynes Ministries, a nondenominational outreach that ministers to individuals questioning their sexuality and those who wish to leave homosexuality. As the author of Called Out, Boynes chronicles her story of living as a lesbian for 14 years until God called her out of that lifestyle. Read more of her story here.


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