Oil prices is one sign of the end times.

From Earthquakes to Oil Prices, the End-Time Signs You May Have Missed This Week


If national headlines about the stock market, oil prices, potential earthquakes and more are to be believed, end-time signs are coming to pass before our eyes.  

Also on the list of Revelation signs?

  • Fox’s new show, Lucifer
  • Rise of the Islamic Faith
  • DHS Border Patrol Theft

Deception among Americans is rising, says Jim Bakker. And with his partnership with Revelation in the News’ Zach Drew and Sasha Volz, the fulfillment of Joel 2 is coming to pass, as well.  

“We are going to reap what we sow,” Bakker says. “There are so many things going on in the world that are absolutely shocking.” 

He cites Chuck Pierce’s word for our nation: “I will shake!” 

Watch the video to see more. 


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