Joe’s Judgment? No More Malarkey


The wheels of judgment grind slowly, but surely. Tens of millions in America and abroad believe “the gig is up” for Joe Biden and his presidency. He may not agree, but the tidal wave is building daily that will overtake his stubborn resistance and state of denial upon discovery of 10 visits from a Parkinson’s specialist.

His recent disastrous debate debacle calculated to restore some semblance of credibility exploded before tens of millions watching worldwide. His follow up 22-minute interview with senior news editor George Stephanopoulos on ABC was likewise an unmitigated disaster. We’re watching the most serious presidential controversy since Watergate (1974).

Actor and director Clint Eastwood, 93, keeps going strong (like Gene Hackman, 94; Warren Buffett, 93; Bernie Marcus, 95; and even Donald Trump, 78). Eastwood famously said, “A man’s gotta know his limitations,” but Joe and Jill Biden aren’t reading the handwriting on the wall, so the pressure is mounting to get them to exit, stage left, and do it quickly. You know it’s serious when even uberliberal panelists on “The View” agree.

The prophetic book of Daniel, which Jesus Himself referenced, records a leader whom God had to jolt out of deception by communicating, “God has numbered your kingdom and put an end to it” (Dan. 5:26, NASB); “You have been weighed in the balance, and found wanting” (Dan. 5:27, NKJV). That’s Biden.

That same book details how Daniel found the warning from Jeremiah regarding the Jews’ 70-year captivity/punishment but also the news that judgment would fall on Babylon and its leader when God said, “Enough is enough.”

Recently the No. 1 bestselling author of nonfiction in our history, Bill O’Reilly, conceded he was taking a big risk in making a statement, but because he believes there is a Judgment Day, he made it anyway. He said surveying the blood on Biden’s hands from his unfettered abortion promotion and incalculable deaths from open border rapes, sex trafficking, child smuggling, carte blanche drug distribution and cartel killings, he would never want to be Biden on the day of judgment. I agree.

I believe the gavel of judgment has come down on Biden, and it’s happened suddenly and unmistakably if you have what Jesus called “ears to hear.”

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3 Factors

1. Severely diminished mental and physical state. The Bible instructs us to “comfort the feebleminded, support the weak” (1 Thess. 5:14b, KJV). It’s difficult but necessary as people age and lose cognitive ability, as we’re witnessing with Biden. This is true despite the sympathetic media covering for him for years, along with his handlers concealing his condition (as was done with Woodrow Wilson after his stroke). But after the recent Biden/Trump debate, it can’t be hidden anymore!

Joe shocked tens of millions in the debate by his behavior and statements that weren’t merely embarrassing but frightening. He’s had two brain aneurysms and displays regular neurological difficulties. Obama’s former White House physician stated he’s convinced Joe Biden’s cognitive decline is serious, and while there are levels of dementia, specialists say he’s in a diminished state, disqualifying him from continuing. My mother lived with us for seven years, and I know the signposts of dementia.

2. Brazen and irresponsible lying covered up by media. Throughout his entire 40-year political career, Biden has been caught repeatedly lying—not merely exaggerating or misspeaking. After the debate, CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Kamala Harris how she felt Joe handled “Trump’s lying,” yet ignored Biden’s 10 flagrant falsehoods.

Documented lies allegedly told by Biden include:

— “Don’t believe those poll numbers. They’re wrong; there is nothing wrong with me, and I won’t agree to a cognitive test or release any findings.”

— “No one gets crowds out like I do” (200 that day in Wisconsin, while Trump draws tens of thousands).

— “We don’t have an open border … there’s no crisis…the Border Patrol Association endorsed me” (they endorsed Trump).

— “I’m the only president this century who didn’t have any troops die in any wars.”

—  “[I’ve] had fewer border crossings than when Trump was in office.”

— “Trump wants to get rid of Social Security.”

— Son Hunter Biden’s laptop is “Russian disinformation.”

— “Inflation when I took office was 9%” (it was 1.4%).

— “I brought unprecedented cutting of national debt by trillions.”

— “My World War II uncle died by cannibals.”

— “I stood at ground zero [the] day after 9/11” (never happened).

— “I marched in civil rights marches.”

— “My oldest son died in Iraq.”

— “My wife was nearly killed by a house fire.”

— “I come from a family of coal miners.”

— “I was arrested with civil rights leaders.”

— “I never discussed any business dealings with Hunter.”

— “I passed student loan forgiveness” (The Supreme Court ruled the law unconstitutional).

— “I graduated in top of my law class” (he was at the bottom).

— “Republican party is banning abortion in every state.”

— “I was arrested with Nelson Mandela.”

This is shameless from the most powerful person on the planet, who holds the nuclear codes.

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3. The Democratic Party, news media, key progressive leaders, celebrities, newspapers and talk show hosts saying it’s time for Joe to go. 

I could conclude this commentary with excerpts from The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal and Democratic leaders along with influential donors and key influencers in the party. Biden’s days are numbered. “The emperor has no clothes,” yet lives and speaks in a state of delusion along with his wife and those Cabinet members and staff whose jobs are on the line.

For over four years I’ve communicated that Joe Biden is incapacitated, incompetent and incapable of serving as commander-in-chief. Google “4 Reasons for Joe Biden to Resign” (2022).

Here’s the deal: For almost four years I’ve prayed faithfully for the protection of Joe Biden, and refrained from using the title “President” for personal reasons. When he did a rare “Hail Mary” desperation interview days ago and was told his approval rating is 36% he denounced the polls and said that “as long as I did the goodest (?) job I can do, I’m OK.”

I sincerely believe Biden is the second-worst president in our nation’s history (James Buchanan was worse). I can think of absolutely no positive policy or program of his that helped America but can cite innumerate dozens of those that have brought destruction on many fronts. Apart from divine intervention, we will suffer the horrible and dangerous consequences of his pathetic presidency for decades to come. 

It’s time to tell this career politician he needs to turn over the keys and stop trying to drive the car. Enough damage has been done.

I’m sorry to conclude on such a depressing note, but there is always mercy and hope if we repent and turn back to God and His ways as 2 Chronicles 7:14 directs.

It’s time for prayer, pastors returning politics to the pew and the possibility of a Third Great Awakening in our day.

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Larry Tomczak, author of 10 books, is a cultural commentator of 50 years, Intercessors for America board member, bestselling author and a public policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. His new, innovative video/book, “BULLSEYE,” develops informed influencers in 30 days (see and he has a variety of resources on his website (see You can also hear his weekly podcast here.


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