
Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: 7 Reasons to Resist the Progressives’ Marijuana Plan


Just days ago, 15 United States senators issued an urgent call for the Drug Enforcement Administration, demanding it deny rescheduling marijuana as a lower risk drug. Numerous reasons were cited, but one of the major ones was the fact that THC levels in today’s weed are three times as potent as years ago. Our kids’ lives are at stake!

By now you’ve probably heard of Biden’s progressive plans pushing marijuana legalization: After Health and Human Services eases federal restrictions, have the DEA take the next step before people really notice.

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As a record 91,000 migrant families streamed across the open border in August and we lament another 100,000 fentanyl deaths, the cartels laugh, get rich and applaud the attempts to increase acceptance of casual drug usage.

Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse and scores of others bought the lie of marijuana as “harmless,” then drifted along the gateway drug path to destruction. As Robert De Niro’s 19-year-old grandson died recently from drug overdose, will some finally wake up to the brutal reality of what’s happening?

If you are a parent, pastor or educator, don’t delay in teaching those you can influence to “just say no,” and may they join you in watching this compelling video that can save lives. Watch. {eoa}

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