Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: Biden Debate Proves ‘The Emperor Has No Clothes’


If you watched the recent debate with Biden and Trump, you saw what watchmen on the wall and I have been warning about for years, which is that Biden is incompetent, incapacitated and incapable of doing the job.

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And when liberal Drudge Report labels the evening a “catastrophe“ for Biden, you know the jig is up for Joe Biden.

Take some time to reflect upon Larry Tomczak’s assessment and honest commentary on where we are as we move quickly toward election 2024. Don’t miss this one!

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Larry Tomczak, author of 10 books, is a cultural commentator of 50 years, Intercessors for America board member, bestselling author and a public policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. His new, innovative video/book, “BULLSEYE,” develops informed influencers in 30 days (see and he has a variety of resources on his website (see You can also hear his weekly podcast here.


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