Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: DeGeneres Left for England, but What About Her Lingering Lifestyle?


When Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election in a resounding victory over Vice President Kamala Harris (remember her?) media mogul Ellen DeGeneres made good on her threat to leave the United States. She relocated to a large estate a couple hours outside of London, where she now resides with her longtime lesbian love partner. The Daily Mail reported that shortly after she moved in, her home suffered from major flooding and damage (although DeGeneres brushed it aside as untrue).

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The talented comedian and former talk show host continues to exert strong influence in her attempt to model a fulfilling gay “marriage.” Not so long ago, her previous partner, Anne Heche, broke away from DeGeneres and then tragically spiraled into cocaine usage, resulting in a major car accident in which she was on life support until her tragic premature death.

On her former television talk show, DeGeneres decided one day to make a mockery of Larry Tomczak and his stand for the sanctity of biblical marriage. He responded with a charitable but scriptural stand that warrants your attention so you can present the same solid refutation in a culture celebrating the concept of homosexual marriage.

Watch and share with others this informative and entertaining presentation, even if you may have seen it before!

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Larry Tomczak is a best-selling author of 10 books, cultural commentator of 50 years, Intercessors for America board member and a public policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. Go to to watch 30 amazing, free, brief, on-demand videos by America’s top leaders so you can confidently address today’s tough issues.


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