Michael Brown and Larry Tomczak Declare It’s Time for Spiritual Revolution


“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose” said Jim Elliot, a martyred missionary.

I’ve had the privilege of enjoying over 30 years of a relationship with Dr. Michael Brown as a friend and fellow worker in Christ’s kingdom. He’s impacted my life in a revolutionary way. Recently we sat down and engaged each other about the urgency of the hour and the necessity for a gospel-centered, moral revolution in America. Be inspired by the podcasts we did.

While Marxism grows in our country as a destructive force, we are passionate that God is stirring hearts, especially among young people, for an authentic transformative Jesus revolution.

Countercultural Movement

20 years ago Brown wrote a manual for a spiritual revolution, saying the following: “This book is not a call for the violent overthrow of the government, nor is it a call to take up arms, nor is it a call to political activism in and of itself. It is a call to something far more extreme, a call to live out the gospel with all its radical claims, a call for the people of God to impact this generation with the prophetic message of repentance, a call to spark the most sweeping counterculture movement in our nation’s history, a call to take back the moral ground that has been stolen from under our feet, a call to follow Jesus by life or by death!”

Two decades ago it was as if he were sharing, “Flu season is approaching; be careful!” Now in the midst of our unprecedented turmoil and turbulence it’s as if he’s shouting, “We’re in a pandemic, and this critical moment requires radical commitment to Jesus and His church!”

To inspire us at this defining moment, Brown offers us his new book, titled Revolution: An Urgent Call to Holy Uprising!

Surveying the Scene

If you fell asleep like Rip Van Winkle for 20 years and just awoke, imagine how shocked you would be at what’s happening on our watch.

1. The Democratic Party has gone from a working-class coalition applauding John F. Kennedy’s challenge, “Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country” to a leftist-leaning, socialist-supporting, almost unrecognizable radical party of extremists lacking any real moral code and seducing scores with what Big Government can do for you.

2. “Progressive” politicians, pundits and pop culture personalities pretend there is no real election scandal or polling propaganda deceiving the masses as they aggressively push an agenda to vanquish our Judeo-Christian heritage.

3. Media corruption becomes increasingly brazen in distorting and deceiving an often uninformed populace. The father of our country, George Washington, warned us about this time when he told us, “An uninformed populace is easily enslaved.”

4. Political policies pushing abortion on demand with taxpayer funding; legalizing drugs (Portland just legalized heroin, cocaine, meth and LSD); celebrating homosexuality and transgender lifestyles; suppressing religious freedom; establishing unfettered illegal immigration with “free” medical care and other entitlements; supporting goals of subversive groups like Marxist Black Lives Matter Foundation; downplaying violent uprisings, looting and burning of businesses; educating our children with the LGBTQ agenda and propagandizing them that America is systematically racist, requiring their “progressive” revolution.

5. Should we add catastrophic statistics on fatherlessness, violent crime, pornography, cohabitation, out of wedlock births, sexually transmitted diseases and obscene economic insanity with our almost $30 trillion debt?

We Are at a Tipping Point

How about churches that avoid the key “hot button” moral issues of our day, essentially lacking the courage to address from a biblically informed position (that’s critical!) the defining issues with clarity, hoping or believing people can discover things for themselves. “We didn’t give out voting records of candidates because they’re too controversial, political and deliberately biased in favor of conservatives.”

Do we see the handwriting on the wall? The state of the culture and much of the “church” reveals we are at an unprecedented tipping point. Are we aware that America is rapidly spiraling into a lawless culture similar to the Germany of a generation ago?

My wife and her parents are German, and they will tell you how an educated and civilized nation moved from democracy to dictatorship and then demise in less than six years.

A once-thriving nation can have its heritage and faith so decimated history records it as a tragic collapse.

Our Only Hope for Turnaround

It is obvious to scores of us that God is bringing us to a place of total dependency on Him. We’re becoming desperate for a third heaven-sent Great Awakening. God is sovereignly stirring our hearts for a genuine spiritual revolution!

20 years ago when Brown and I were involved in the incredible Brownsville Revival, he led our BRSM (school of ministry) with over 1,100 students from America and nations around the world. A graduate wrote this song in response to the emphasis on revolution.

Charles Ciepiel’s lyrics describe the mood of many today:

“Can you feel it coming?/ Can you feel it stirring?/Can you feel it shaking everything?/ This is the hour-this is the generation./ There’s a people standing/ There’s a voice that sounding/ There’s a banner being raised for righteousness / This is the hour—this is the generation/ Revolution—we’re taking ground/ Revolution—we won’t bow down/ Revolution—let the trumpet sound/ Revolution now!/ We will fight to the death / Worthless idols we detest/ Let the army’s anthem roar/ Holiness to the Lord.”

As you read these words, do you find something resonating in your heart, leading you to declare, “Let me say it simply but strongly that I will never simply be a Sunday-morning Christian?”

If so, and you really mean it, we say that you are a real candidate for the real revolution our God is preparing to shake our society prior to His Son’s return!

Lean In and Be Lifted Up

I believe if you listen attentively to the podcasts accompanying this article and lay hold of Brown’s new book, Revolution, An Urgent Call to Holy Uprising! your life will be radically changed.

We are living in the midst of one of the most unbelievable and critical periods in our nation’s history. On one side are deceived and demonically inspired individuals who are hell-bent on revolution.

On the other side are humble servants of God who will be part of a heaven-sent revolution unfolding right now for revival in the church, revolution in society and redemption of Israel, God’s chosen people.

Here’s the deal: Do not be discouraged even in these times of distress. The dark is getting darker but the light is getting lighter and the difference between the two is becoming more and more evident every day.

Don’t miss out on what God is doing!

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

For the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples;

but the Lord shall rise upon you, and His glory shall be seen upon you.

The nations shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising.

Lift up your eyes all around, and see: they all gather themselves together;

they come to you; your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be

carried at your side. Then you shall see and be radiant, and your heart shall

thrill and rejoice because the abundance of the sea shall be converted to you,

the wealth of the nations shall come to you” (Isa. 60:1-5). {eoa}


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