Part 2: Can You Name the 7 Basics of Effective Evangelism?


Jesus told us that “the harvest is the end of the age” (Matt.13:39b, NIV). Isn’t it critical that we know the biblical components that enable us to be effective in our evangelism?

Think for a moment if you can recite at least five of the seven.

In the first video, we were inspired with the first four basics. If you missed it, click here, and you can start with them and continue in this second. Here are the remaining three components so you will be effective in your outreach to the lost!

Jesus told us that the “harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” (Luke 10:2). Will you respond to the privilege and challenge to be one of His ambassadors at the close of this age?

Invest the time, and you will be transformed by God’s Word and the anointing of His Holy Spirit.


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