Larycia Hawkins speaks at First United Methodist Church in Chicago.

Wheaton Prof: “Repent and Reaffirm Christianity or Be Removed”


Recently Howard Dean, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, appeared on MSNBC highlighting Hillary Clinton’s empathy for college students’ big debt. He also denied she was ever paid large sums of money to speak on college campuses.

This time the hosts were ready. They did not sheepishly accept the assertion but instead confronted Mr. Dean on his serious error. I’ll paraphrase.  “UCLA – paid $300,000. UNLV – paid $225.000. She’s getting a quarter million dollars to speak while blasting student debt?!”

Embarrassed, Mr. Dean quickly confessed his erroneous statements. “I have to eat crow!” he said.

Time magazine featured a story that has reverberated throughout America. It also involves an individual making assertions that are seriously wrong and have major theological implications. The person in question needs to likewise “eat crow” and repent immediately. If she refuses, she should be removed from her post at one of the world’s most respected evangelical institutions.

Wheaton College is a revered academic institution with the motto, “For Christ and His Kingdom.” The private, nonprofit Christian college has a 155-year history with alumni including Billy Graham, John Piper, Jim Elliot, flight 93 hero Todd Beamer, presidential speechwriter Michael Gerson and U.S. Senators.

Larycia Hawkins is a rogue Wheaton professor who thinks it’s “cool” to express solidarity with Islam by wearing a hijab headscarf and communicate in writing that Muslims are “people of the book” and that “we worship the same God!”

Whether attempting to avoid controversy, demonstrate tolerance, be politically correct or model diversity, the Faculty Council voted unanimously to keep her employed while 800 graduates expressed their solidarity by signing a petition threatening to withhold future donations. There’s a lot at stake and things are under review as pressure mounts.

The Provost opined initially that her comments were “innocuous.” A New Testament professor, Gene Green, added that she “was doing a good thing.” Larycia defended herself saying, “What’s at stake for me is the integrity of my Christian testimony.”

No, what’s at stake is the integrity of an institution respected internationally as the standard bearer of evangelicalism! Interestingly, the “National Association of Evangelicals” just clarified essentials defining evangelical beliefs: “1. The Bible is the highest authority for what I believe. 2. Only those who trust in Jesus Christ alone as their Savior receive God’s free gift of eternal salvation. 3. Jesus Christ’s death is the only sacrifice that can remove the penalty of my sin.”

Here’s the Deal: Ms. Hawkins is stubbornly maintaining a heretical and unscriptural position supporting Islam, a false religion; Muhammad, false prophet; the Quran, a false “holy” book; and Allah, a false god. Islam violates all the fundamental truths of the Christian faith and repudiates Jesus Christ as the divine Son of God, rejects the Trinity and promulgates that He never died on the cross or rose from the dead!

The truth be known: Jesus Christ was not a Muslim as Islam teaches and Christians and Muslims do not worship the same God!  

President Obama recently visited a mosque and declared “We’re one American family!” and “Islam has always been part of America!” Really?

Franklin Graham rightly addressed President Obama’s visit saying, “Islam cannot save anyone … Muhammad is dead. I worship a risen Lord! Islam can’t compete with that.”

I wonder if Nancy Pelosi heard these comments from the Reverend Graham? She spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast and as a misguided Catholic on church doctrine invoked Muhammad and tried to compare Islam and Christianity!

See how prevalent this secularist deception has become?

What this renegade professor is espousing is the same deception we see in our increasingly secularist society. Weeks ago our Tennessean newspaper ran an article, “Muslims, Christians, Jews All Worship the Same God.”

This is blatant deception. Jesus warned us of this in His last day’s predictions. “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many” (Matt. 24:4-5).

As multitudes across America pray for another spiritual awakening, pray Wheaton’s leaders hold fast to a scriptural, not secular worldview. May they not capitulate no matter how strong the opposition.

The champion of America’s First Great Awakening, George Whitefield, warned us over 260 years ago to be faithful to Jesus and a biblical worldview, “If you are going to walk with Jesus Christ, you are going to be opposed … In our days to be a true Christian is really to become a scandal.”

UPDATE: Wheaton has removed Larycia Hawkins from her position at the college. You may read the details here. 


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