How the Spirit of Leviathan Manifests in America

Televangelist Jim Bakker discusses the spirit of Leviathan.

The spirit of Leviathan lurks behind many fake news reports, the Revelation in the News cast says.

Co-host John Wooddall cites how the media covered President Donald Trump’s recent claim that Trump Tower was wiretapped as an example.

Many members of the U.S. government and military officials are calling for Trump to apologize for the claim, but RITN cast says this is the spirit of Leviathan at work.

“Here we have twisted (information),” Jim Bakker says. “Lies being said that are truth and truth is lies, and that’s exactly what the Bible tells us that in the last days, good will be spoken of as evil, and evil will be spoken of as good.” 

Watch the video to see more.


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