
I Just Witnessed Voter Fraud in South Florida


I’ve heard all the concerns about voter fraud over this election cycle but I never thought I’d witness it firsthand. I just witnessed voter fraud in Florida, home of the hanging chads.

There I was, sitting quietly at a table completing my ballot when suddenly a young woman helped an elderly lady sit down right next to me. The elderly lady was shaky at best and appeared to be in another world. The young woman proceeded to use her cellphone to call a friend and ask how she should vote on each and every issue–on the elderly woman’s ballot.

Mind you, we’re not allowed to use our cellphones at the poll. But this woman was on the phone for several minutes ticking down the ballot at the advice of God-knows-who while this elderly woman was blankly staring off into space. Clearly, she wasn’t engaged in deciding her own votes. The young woman never consulted her elderly counterpart. The elderly woman never held a pen in her hand or consulted on what circles were being darkened.

This young woman hijacked the ballot.

I watched for a few minutes to make sure I wasn’t somehow misunderstanding the situation. But there was no denying the voter fraud in progress. So I alerted a supervisor. He suggested I move to another seat to cast my ballot if it was bothering me. Really? That’s when I told him in no uncertain terms there was voter fraud happening two feet away and I was a member of the media willing to let the world know.

“Can’t you see the young with her cellphone in one hand and a pen in the other, furiously filling out the ballot?” I asked him.

“Oh, yeah, that’s illegal,” he said as he slowly walked toward the women.

Ultimately, the elections official made the younger woman get off the phone and fill out a form that legally allowed her to “assist” the senior citizen with the ballot. Of course, she wasn’t assisting, she was usurping. By the time anyone intervened in this voter fraud she had almost completed the elderly woman’s ballot. I suggested the ballot should be invalidated based on what they themselves just witnessed but they nonetheless allowed the elderly woman to cast what was supposed to be her vote.

This elderly lady was so infirmed that she was not even able to put the ballot into the reader to actually cast it. I won’t go so far as to say the woman had no business voting. I cannot account for her mental lucidity. I’ll just say that she could not hear very well and her speech was hard to untangle. She seemed like she was in another world.

So, yes, voter fraud is happening—and maybe at a poll near you—right now. My mother told me that voting machines in her precinct are crediting Obama with votes actually cast for Romney. The Wall Street Journal reported on similar complaints. I’ve read other reports about a Democrat who admitted he voted four times.

And they don’t care if the media is watching. Again, I told them that I was a member of the media and planned to make sure everyone that follows my columns knows that voter fraud occurred around 10:45 a.m. at Precinct Y002 in Hallandale Beach, Fla. And so I did. It may not change anything. But I refuse to turn a blind eye to any form of corruption, whether it helps Democrats or Republicans.

Although I am sure there is voter fraud going across the board, I can only vouch for what I saw with my own two eyes. I can’t offer an eyewitness report on the disenfranchsed black voters or anyone else because I haven’t seen it. I’m not suggesting it isn’t real. If I saw this blatant voter fraud in my beachtown, I am sure there’s plenty more where that came from and I’m sure it involves both Republicans and Democrats. Political affiliations are not the point here: Truth is.

Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is also director of IHOP Fort Lauderdale. You can email Jennifer at  [email protected] or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.


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