Dr. Michael Brown

Why I Am Not the Least Bit Discouraged


8. Political pundits have been wrong before. Many are telling us that the culture wars are over and that gay “marriage” will soon be the law across America. Many Christian leaders believe this to be true as well.

But we were once told that the war against abortion was over and that American sentiment against the outlawing of abortion had turned for good. Today, it is pro-abortion advocates who are panicking as the pro-life movement continues to grow, especially among the younger generation.

9. Worldly ways are self-defeating. All of the ways of the world—sexual promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse, abortion, no-fault divorce, homosexual practice, materialism and greed, just to name a few—bring a society down, not up. But God’s ways bring life and blessing and stability. When the dust settles—and it may get very “dusty” for a while—the righteous will be standing strong.

10. I have seen God’s past promises to me fulfilled gloriously, and I am confident that the rest of His promises to will come to pass as well. None of us can boast about tomorrow (Prov. 27:1), and so I mean this as a boast in the Lord, not as a statement of presumption. As David once said, “Adonai, who has delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine [meaning, Goliath]” (1 Sam. 17:37).

To share my own story, the Lord spoke to me in 1983 that I would be in the center of a revival that touched the world, and by His grace, that promise came to pass, as I had the privilege of serving as a leader in the Brownsville Revival from 1996 to 2000, where people came from more than 130 nations to be ignited by the fires of revival. And those fires continue to burn around the globe today, not the least through the grads of our ministry school who are making a great impact in many nations.

Since the late 1990s, the Lord has spoken to me about a coming revolution—a gospel-based moral and cultural revolution—and if I am faithful to Him, I believe I will be right in the thick of that revolution. I feel this so deeply I can reach out and touch it.

What promises has God made to you personally? And what has He promised to all of us in His Word?

Take hold of His promises and rejoice. Those who put their trust in Him will never be ashamed. Let the encouragement come!

Michael Brown is author of Can You Be Gay and Christian? Responding With Love and Truth to Questions About Homosexuality and host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire on the Salem Radio Network. He is also president of FIRE School of Ministry and director of the Coalition of Conscience. Follow him at AskDrBrown on Facebook or at @drmichaellbrown on Twitter.


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