Jonathan Cahn: The Gates of Hell Cannot Stop God’s Purposes


Speaking last week across the street from the site of the Jan. 6 peaceful rally turned Capitol riot, bestselling author Jonathan Cahn had words of encouragement for Americans despairing at the state of their country.

“We need most of all to come before God, praying, seeking, standing strong and uncompromised for God’s purposes, proclaiming the gospel and beseeching God for revival. In the end, not even the gates of hell cannot stop the purposes of God,” he said at last week’s event.

Deeply concerned that many have become afraid due to the pushback against believers, the author of The Harbinger and The Harbinger II exhorts the church to stand tall and not be afraid as the media and society at large turn against the nearly 8 million persecuted Christians with unprecedented force.

“This is how the age began—with persecution,” Cahn proclaimed. “And yet, through it came the book of Acts. When the dark grows darker, it is time for the light of God to shine brighter still. We must remember, our faith is based on the Messiah who overcame the world.”

These words echo those of Isaiah 41:10: “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, yes, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

Cahn, whom Steve Strang, bestselling author of God and Cancel Culture, releasing Sept. 7, calls “the prophetic voice of our generation,” encouraged believers that God’s purposes will be accomplished one way or another.

“The gospel will be proclaimed to all generations,” Cahn said. “And those stand strong and follow Him will overcome the world.”

Cahn’s latest bestselling book, The Harbinger II,, reveals the prophetic moment in which America now stands, what lies ahead and what believers must know to stand in the days to come. More information about his ministry, Hope of the World, can be found at {eoa}

God Cancel Culture R For more information on how you can fight back against cancel culture, make sure to get a copy of what Charisma founder and CEO Stephen Strang says is his most important book yet. God and Cancel Culture releases Sept. 7, the day after Labor Day, wherever fine books are sold. Pre-order it at or on Amazon.


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