Love in Action Tackles Sex Addictions


Wounding is the ground that Satan camps on. Wounds can be intrusive, derived from early exposure to pornography, sexual, physical and/or verbal abuse. Wounds can also be non-intrusive, meaning, lack of affirmation, lack of affection, overbearing discipline, painful verbal comments and traumatic separation.

Wounding that, for whatever reason, has missed the Savior’s touch is often appeased in the trap of self-medicating addiction cycles. What seems at first to be innocent and even acceptable within societal norms evolves into a life-consuming behavior, derailing relationships and leading down many destructive avenues of self-abuse.

Those that struggle with unwanted sexual behaviors don’t need more sex. They need a period of sobriety from sex, stepping away from the culture, safe from whatever triggers drive their actions. Sex Addiction, whatever form it may take, is not about sex.

At Love In Action healing is a process that uncovers root issues, offering proven tools to restore those trapped in sexual and relational sin through the power of Jesus Christ. Five specially designed programs minister to the entire family.

Men and women, spouses, parents, pastors, returning military, professionals and college students may all find what they need to live free of unwanted dominating strongholds through the programs at Love In Action.

The SOURCE residential program is a highly structured, confidential environment led by a competent staff, blending various educational disciplines with a divine call to minister God’s deliverance where it is most needed. Full descriptions and applications for all programs can be found on line at

Since 1973, Love In Action International Inc. has proved a valuable and willing resource to pastors, pastoral counselors and ministry leaders. Love In Action provides speakers to churches, service groups, fundraisers, and retreats on topics such as Ten Lies Sex Addicts Tell Themselves; Concepts Wives of Sex Addicts Need to Grasp; The Declining Narcissistic Culture; Restoration and Recovery; Keeping Teens Safe in the Electronic Age; Questions and Answers for Parents and Loved Ones of Those that Struggle, just to name a few.

Special conferences can be tailored to whatever area of interest is needed within the body of Christ. It’s easy to book a Love In Action conference or speaker. E-mail [email protected]

.To read a current research study on the harmful effects of pornography download: The Effects of Pornography on Individuals, Marriage, Family and Community by Patrick F. Fagan, PH.D (Family Research Council).

Love In Action International a Christian nonprofit ministry. All gifts are tax deductable, needed and appreciated:

“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness.” 2 Peter 1: 3a

Tommy Corman:
Executive Director
[email protected]

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