Prophecy: The Walls of Deception Are Crumbling Down Now


The oddest word dropped into my spirit, of which I am completely unfamiliar with. I heard the Lord speak very clearly, “plumb line.” I see the Lord raising up a remnant of people who will not be easily swayed to the right or to the left but will be in alignment with Jesus and have His heartbeat in this hour. I hear the Lord say, “I am raising a group of people up who are the burning ones who will speak my truth in the midst of persecution! For there is coming a day when many will want to hear a different gospel than this!

“This is not merely a call; this is an invitation to be a part of the remnant that I am setting up in this end time, says the Lord. The line is being drawn in the sand either be all-in or all-out. There is a generation of people who desire to go after the glory of God, and few will find it when they fully get into alignment with my Word and begin to step into all that I have for them,” says the Lord.

God is looking for those who will stand for truth in the midst of adversity and opposition.

Unsure of the meaning, I quickly investigated further. To my surprise, I discovered “plumb line” is a word mentioned several times throughout the Bible in reference to measurements. This is a tool that has stood the test of time and is still routinely used today in the construction of a building. More specifically, this tool is a guide to ensure that the walls of a building are standing upright, in a vertical position and at a perfect 90-degree angle. The only two items this tool is comprised of are a string and a weight at the very end.

There are several significant points to make within this message. Let us first look at the foundation the walls are placed on. A cornerstone is the very foundation when building, but specifically, the corner part of the foundation, which is the most important, because the positions of the other stones are dependent upon the precise placement of this one stone. If the foundation is unstable, then the integrity of the entire structure is compromised.

Christ is our “Cornerstone”, as referenced in Ephesians 2:20, “having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.” Jesus is the most crucial in our foundation that we build our lives upon.

Isaiah 28:17 provides further clarity within the description of a plumb line. It is used for a measure of righteousness and justice. Those who are not in alignment or are not in a vertical or upright position, are not in alignment with the Word of God. Christ must be the very foundation or “chief cornerstone in order for us to achieve that perfect upright position needed that God is looking for in each one of us. The Lord is looking for the remnant in these last days, who will align their thoughts, plans, actions and lives with His Holy Word. He is looking for holiness and raising up those who will not buckle or cower in fear of what the popular opinion is around them. The time for compromise is over. Things done in secret are being exposed. No longer will people be able to claim they serve a holy God and support things that are an abomination to Him.

The prophet Amos saw a vision of a plumb line, as highlighted in Amos 7:7-8: “This is what He showed me: The Lord was standing by a wall made using a plumb line, with a plumb line in His hand. The Lord said to me, “Amos, what do you see?”

Friends, the Lord is looking for those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. The age of deception is upon us, and it is time to align ourselves with holiness and righteousness. There are many false doctrines and false belief systems the Lord is tearing down. Too many have strayed from the Word of God and this spiritual plumb line will be the determining factor of whether you pass the test or fail. The remnant is a small group of people who are desperate for God’s glory and hunger after truth and righteousness.

Are you part of the remnant? Will you stand for truth no matter the cost? Ask yourself if your foundation is firm and if your walls have been built upon the only foundation that is stable, Jesus Christ. The walls of deception are coming down. {eoa}

Pastor Randal Lee is a national prophetic voice and leader of a Traveling Movement Soul Cry! To learn more about future Soul Cry gatherings across the nation, go to

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