Prophetic Vision: ‘Hollywood Angels’ Are Descending


“When she could no longer hide [baby Moses], she took for him a container made of bulrushes and daubed it with tar and with pitch. She then put the child in it and set it in the reeds by the river’s bank. Then his sister stood afar off so that she might know what would happen to him” (Ex. 2:3-4).

Some Stars Will Fall from Their Sockets to Fall on The Rock!
As Hollywood began to shake violently, I saw some stars begin to fall as their children were seemingly being caught by angels in baskets to be hidden in “spiritual” bulrushes. These children who were born famous, wealthy and extremely gifted had been targeted by the enemy since the moment they were conceived. I sense the enemy was waiting for this generation, born gifted to excel in fields of dreams, of which their parents only began to touch the surface.

One “Hollywood devil” cried out, “I thought Christians thought this place was too far gone to pray for? Where are all those prayers coming from?”

The enemy’s plans were accelerating. I heard the enemy shouting to his demons, “Get me the seed of the Stars, for some of their parents are about to break out from under my bondage and take another direction in their lives … looks like some may be falling upon that Rock!” I then heard an old song rise in my spirit as the Father was giving a command to the angels, “Catch a falling star, and put it in your pocket!”

The enemy continued, “Let’s separate the parents of these children through desiring a greater star to fall in love with. Bring forth a spirit of such confusion that they would have to wonder who the father of their children is. The seed would be born with an orphan spirit that would easily fall prey into my hands for my plans that I have for them. They will be my ‘shooting’ stars that will go far beyond their generation’s imaginations!”

While some stars argued over who was the father of their children, I heard one Father cry out, “They are all Mine, every last one of them! They have My DNA and they look like Me!”

“Hollywood children” were being claimed back and redeemed with a great cry of intercession throughout the earth! Certain babies and children were being closely monitored by Hollywood angels. The offspring were high on the Father’s agenda for special visitation rights through dreams, visions and angelic encounters.

Unrehearsed Scenes of Angelic Activity to Be Seen in Upcoming Movies—”Hollywood Angels Are Descending!”

“Enough is enough!” came the cry from unknown sources to the enemy. A shout unlike any other began to penetrate movie cameras, actors, directors and producers. Was the pendulum beginning to finally swing in the opposite direction from hell itself?

The cry grew louder, “Heaven wants Hollywood!” Angels “unaware” would infiltrate certain scenes that had crowds of people in them. After some takes of these scenes, the crowd on camera would appear larger in numbers. but for some reason many producers felt peace about it and would let it go. As the movie was released, so would an impartation of divine power flow out of the screen during these certain scenes as conviction and repentance would pierce hearts.

Some stars’ look-a-like stand-ins would sometimes be “only heaven knows who!” It seemed a season was now starting and calling for supernatural intervention in Hollywood’s entertainment and movie industry.

Angels were responding to that call as violent intercession was causing the “Bright and Morning Star” to rise over Hollywood. {eoa}

Bill Yount has been a member of Bridge of Life Church in Hagerstown, Maryland, for the past 40 years and is in leadership. He faithfully served in prison ministry at Mount Hope Inc. for 23 years and now travels full time, ministering in churches and Aglow circles. He is currently an adviser at large for Aglow International. Bill has authored several prophetic books. His latest book is Handfuls of Purpose. Subscribe to his prophetic emails at: Visit Bill’s website at or email him at [email protected].

For more stories of angels, check out this new Charisma e-book, Angels Among Us, available for just $1.99 at this link.


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