Prophetic Word: Eunuchs Trapped in LGBT Community Will Overthrow Jezebel


In the spring of 2017, the Lord started highlighting eunuchs to me in my time studying the Word. I would come across Scriptures like Isaiah 56:4: For thus says the Lord, “To the eunuchs who keep My sabbaths, and choose the things that please Me, and take hold of My covenant, and hold fast my covenant, to them I will give in My house and within My walls a memorial, and a name better than that of sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off.”

These are the words of Yahweh, and I knew His words never fail. As I continued my search on eunuchs, I realized that Jesus Himself had spoken on the subject. “For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He who is able to accept it, let him accept it.” (Matt. 19:12 NKJV.)

I was surprised and wanting to know who these eunuchs were: these born that way from their mother’s womb. I started seeking the Lord on the topic, and He showed me what this meant. The Lord spoke to my heart that eunuchs born that way are those who were set apart by God from the womb to minister to God. They are to continually minister to his heart, and He to them. They were set apart not to be touched by any other humans. They were not created for marriage and the typical family life.

Then the Lord shared with me revelation of where they are today. The Lord spoke to me again, saying, “Many eunuchs are trapped in the LGBTQ community.” He showed me that not all in the LGBTQ community are born eunuchs, but that many eunuchs are trapped in those lifestyles under deception from the enemy. I couldn’t believe it. Here was this ancient group of people the Lord had talked about all throughout His Word, and now, even in this time, they are among us, but they were hidden.

One day in my secret place of time with the Lord, He directed me back to 2 Kings. Right where I had left off was the subtitle “Jezebel Killed.” I couldn’t believe it, and as I dove into the story, I realized the Lord was showing me more. While I was reading, the Lord pointed out to me that it wasn’t Elijah that took down Jezebel; it wasn’t even Jehu; it was the eunuchs!

“And he looked up at the window, and said, “Who is on my side? Who?” So two or three eunuchs looked out at him. Then he said, “Throw her down.” So they threw her down, and some of her blood spattered on the wall and on the horses: and he trampled her underfoot” (2 Kings 9:32-33).

The eunuchs were the ones who threw Jezebel down! They were the ones who helped fulfill Elijah’s prophecy about what would happen to Jezebel! I knew then the Lord was saying that these people trapped with her under this principality were the very key to overthrowing Jezebel. These eunuchs were the very ones who were under Jezebel’s authority every day. They were the ones closest to her. They saw daily her sexual immorality, perversion and Baal worship, and they were in the palace directly tied under her authority. But when they were given the option to be freed from her, they choose to overthrow her and be freed from her bondage.

The Lord started showing me these trapped eunuchs were a key to the overthrow of Jezebel’s principality. Months passed and then something else happened tied to the story. Johnathan Cahn was on a show talking about president Trump. Cahn stated that President Trump had a Jehu anointing. It started making even more sense! The Lord reminded me of the Jezebel and eunuchs. The eunuchs couldn’t overthrow Jezebel and fulfill Elijah’s prophecy until Jehu had ridden in. It was now the right time for the true eunuchs to rise up out of bondage and overthrow Jezebel, because Jehu anointing had been released!

In my own life, I was trapped in homosexual, and later, transgender, identity. I was actually diagnosed with gender dysphoria by medical community. After my encounter with God, I left everything behind, including my old identity as Scarlet, to follow Jesus Christ. Once I was saved, the Lord laid it on my heart to share my testimony and lead others to Christ Jesus. And He opened amazing opportunities to share my testimony. While in Washington, D.C., sharing my testimony, an idea came to me to start the Freedom Marches, where many would gather to share their testimonies about leaving LGBTQ lives to follow Jesus Christ. After the testimonies, I wanted to publicly march in the streets of whatever city we would be in. The Scripture God gave me for this was Colossians 2:15 (NIV): “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.”

In 2018, we had the first Freedom March, and I have continued to see these grow! People from all over the country are uniting under the power of Jesus, being set free from these sexual identity lies. My ministry and so many others are seeing people leaving these lifestyles and publicly proclaiming Jesus. The reason why this is happening even more at this time is because the Jehu anointing has been ushered in, and many are about to break free from that spirit of Jezebel principality that has hovered over the United States. Its power will become weaker and weaker as the eunuchs, whom God called from the womb, are released.

The modern-day paradigm of the Jezebel/eunuchs story is coming to pass right before our eyes. I ask that you come into agreement with me right now that those who are born with a eunuch heart will be freed from Jezebel in Jesus Christ’s name—because now is the time.

Rise up, eunuchs, to your destiny, created for you before the foundations of the earth. You are here on earth right now for such a time as this! {eoa}

Jeffrey McCall is founder of For Such a Time Ministry and the Freedom March.


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