Prophetic Word: We Are Entering a Season of Accuracy


As I was in prayer last week, I felt a strong prophetic stirring from God saying that many of His people are entering into a season of accuracy. According to the dictionary, accuracy can be defined as “the quality of being correct or precise.” Many of God’s people have grown weary because they feel as if the things they are doing aren’t quite hitting the target. It’s as if they spent hours and years as an archer shooting arrows only to be slightly off center. This frustration for not hitting the mark dead center is causing a wave of hopelessness and discouragement that the devil has been trying to use to his advantage.

King David spent years in the fields tending his father’s sheep. I am sure he had a lot of time out there in the fields. I am sure he spent hours finding rocks and learning how to swing them just right in his sling shot. I’m sure he fashioned that slingshot with careful diligence. Years and years he must have spent practicing flinging it just right at targets he designed in the field. When the day came and he stood before Goliath, David knew he could take Goliath down with one shot. Yes, he had the help of the Lord. However, he knew he could do it. I once watched a documentary that tried to see if it would be physically possible for a stone to kill a man and sink into the center of his forehead. With all the modern technology, it was discovered that yes, it was physically possible; however, it would have been a difficult shot. There was little margin for error.

Jesus was accurate; when he told Peter to catch a fish with a coin in its mouth, his instructions where clear and precise (Matt 17:24-27). According to the Bible, Peter had been a fisherman before becoming a disciple. Peter knew how to catch fish. I’m sure he spent years learning what type of bait needed to be used. I’m sure in his years of fishing experience he had learned a lot about different fishing techniques. In Luke 5:5, when the disciples had been fishing all day, Jesus told them exactly where they were. They no longer needed to guess where the harvest of fish were under them. Jesus told them where the fish were and they caught so many of them it almost sank two boats.

I believe that many of God’s people are entering into a season of accuracy. No longer will they just be hitting near the target. It’s time to hit the bullseye. I believe that these people have spent years training for the moments that lay just before them, and now they are ready to hit their target. With precision they will get the mark God has been calling them to hit. Now it will be so precise that many will marvel. They have trained for this moment and it is their time. I believe we have entered into a season of accuracy that God’s divine hand has designed. {eoa}

Anna M. Aquino is a published author, guest minister and prophetic voice. Her books: Cursing the Church or Helping It? Exposing the spirit of Balaam, Confessions of a Ninja Mom, An Ember In Time and A Marriage In Time are available wherever books are sold. She has been on TBN, TCT, and a variety of other programs both TV and radio. Please feel free to check out her website at


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