‘Pursue and Overtake!’: A Prophecy for Those With Prophetic Promises


Season of the Open Door

Recently, the word of the Lord came to me saying that the body of Christ is coming into its divine season of prophetic fulfillment and breakthrough. The Lord likened this new season as a time of an open door, open window, open gate and portal, where prophetic prayers and intercession have ascended before Him. The Lord said that He has heard the cries and prayer petitions of His people in this hour.

Many have faced much resistance and numerous setbacks. The Lord said that there were those who have felt their prayers hitting a closed heaven and barren field. He showed me there was intense warfare going on in the heavenlies over the prophetic promises for His people. Your breakthrough of miracles, blessings, favor, answered prayers, restoration, healing and salvation for loved ones is breaking through suddenly. Get ready for an open heaven and outpouring of divine strategies to advance forward and break through enemy lines.

Pursue and Overtake

There have been those who inquired of the Lord for new understanding, wisdom and counsel in regards to what to do next in this new season. The Lord says to pursue and overtake.

“David inquired of the Lord, saying, ‘Should I pursue after this raiding party? Will I overtake them?’ And He answered him, ‘Pursue them, for you will surely overtake them and will surely recover all‘” (1 Sam. 30:8).

God said to me, “This is the season to supernaturally raid the place where you shall conquer and settle in.” God is delivering those who have been faithful over little, and making them rule over much. He told me to tell His people that they are about to see the Lord of the breakthrough assist them in many areas. He is going to bring His people to a place called Baal-perazim (which means breakthrough). This place is a place of flawless victories.

So David asked the Lord, “Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will You give them into my hand?”

The Lord said to David, “Go up, because I will certainly give them into your hand.”

So David came to Baal Perazim, and David defeated them there. He said, “The Lord has breached my enemies before me like bursting tides.” Therefore, he named that place Baal Perazim.

Angelic Reinforcements Have Been Dispatched

Many of you have been pressing in, soaking in His presence and petitioning the King and Judge to release a favorable outcome and judgment on your behalf. The warfare has increased on every side, but God is going to send angels of breakthrough to help you pursue, overcome and overtake that which is yours. The Lord says that your personal prophecies and prayers have met much resistance, but He has sent His Word through angelic reinforcement to confirm your release. He has sent His warring angels to help bring your prophecy and prayer requests to pass.

The Lord reminded me of Daniel—when he prayed, the Lord answered him. God said to me that your answers are coming like express, certified, hand-delivered mail.

Then he said to me, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. For from the first day that you set your heart to understand this and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me for twenty-one days. So Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia” (Dan. 10:12-13).

God wants me to encourage you that your breakthrough is imminent. The warfare was not in vain. God has dispatched His angels to carry out His prophetic promises in your life. Angels are summoned by the voice of the prophetic decrees and words over your life. God deployed your angels the first day you prayed.

“The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom rules over all. Bless the Lord, you His angels, who are mighty, and do His commands, and obey the voice of His Word. Bless the Lord, all you His hosts; you servants who do His pleasure” (Ps. 103:19-21).

We must understand that one of the assignments of the angels is to carry out God’s Word. Their primary role is to respond to the voice of the Lord. True prophetic words that are released from the mouth of God and His prophets will summons angelic assistance to bring God’s promises, will and directives to pass. Angels serve the eternal purposes of God. They bring in the provision for the visions of God in your life that are to align to His will and word over you. God is dispatching His angels to deliver you from the grip of the enemy that is keeping you from walking in your destiny.

The very night when Herod would have brought him out, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains. And the guards before the door were securing the prison. And suddenly an angel of the Lord approached him, and a light shone in the prison. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up, saying, “Rise up, quickly.” And the chains fell off his hands (Acts 12:6-7).

Angels will be used of God strategically in this hour as never before, to bring divine breakthroughs in the life of the believer. As the prophets prophesy the Word of God, we will see prophetic breakthroughs like never before. As we war over our personal prophecies, dreams and visions, we will see angels coming to the rescue to deliver and fight for His fulfillment and to bring about the promises of the Father.

“This command I commit to you, my son Timothy, according to the prophecies that were previously given to you, that by them you might fight a good fight” (1 Tim. 1:18).

An Invisible Army and the Sound of Breakthrough

God is not only sending angels of breakthrough, but there is a sound of breakthrough marching to confirm that God is working behind the scenes on your behalf. God has gone before you to defeat all of your enemies in this hour. There is an invisible army marching before you to make clear the path for you to fulfill your divine purpose and destiny!

When David inquired of the Lord, He said, “You shall not go up. Circle around behind them and come against them opposite the trees. When you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the trees, pay attention, because at that point the Lord is going before you to defeat the army of the Philistines.” So David did just as the Lord commanded, and he defeated the Philistines from Geba as far as Gezer (2 Sam. 5:23-25).

Dr. Hakeem Collins is a part of a new generation of world changers. Gifted with a unique dual apostolic and prophetic call, he is a sought-after conference, church and ministry speaker who has traveled extensively throughout the United States preaching the message of the Kingdom.

This article originally appeared at elijahlist.com.


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