U.S.-Mexico border

Rick Joyner Offers Prophetic Insight Into Chaos at US-Mexican Border


Failure by Fiat

Remembering the Second Law of Thermodynamics, let’s briefly review the staggering crises America has been subjected to under the Obama administration. The main ones are:

  • Fast and Furious: The U.S. government sold thousands of powerful weapons to drug cartels and terrorists. This was supposedly done to track who the weapons went to, but no tracking mechanism was ever devised before selling them the weapons. With what is now happening on our border, it is likely many Americans will have one of these weapons pointed at them very soon. No one has been fired or held accountable for this incomprehensible madness. At the same time, the government began moving to take guns out of the hands of its citizens, a basic constitutional right “that shall not be infringed.”
  • Economic Stimulus: Nearly two trillion dollars spent with little or no effect. Billions are unaccounted for. Economy not stimulated. Good stewardship is basic to good leadership. Bad stewardship is called “wicked” and “evil” in Scripture.
  • BP Oil Spill Crisis: Millions of gallons pumped into the Gulf for weeks while the ability to cap this well was available from the beginning. Cost of this mismanagement devastated the Gulf Coast region and the offshore oil drilling industry in a way that we will still be paying for at the pump for years to come.
  • IRS Scandal. This is likely the worst abuse of power in the nation’s history, and one of the scariest. Missing emails of IRS and Administration officials is many times worse than the seventeen minutes of missing tapes that got Nixon impeached. No one has yet been held accountable by being charged for this terrible crime against our most basic liberties.
  • The Release of Lawlessness. With the administration declaring that it will not enforce laws it does not agree with, or prosecute such obvious violations of the law as we have with the IRS, why should any American have to keep the laws they don’t agree with? If the IRS cannot produce its records that it is required by law to keep, then why should any citizen have to produce their records for the IRS? Wait and see the ultimate chaos this will bring.
  • NSA Spying. Domestic and foreign spying on a level, and with an apparatus, even Orwell could not have imagined. This has opened the door wide to the greatest corruption of power and totalitarian control ever imagined.
  • Benghazi Attack on U.S. Consulate. Every embassy and consulate is U.S. territory. Failure to defend Americans and American territory from attack is a dereliction of duty. We had military assets available that could have very likely saved our ambassador and the other Americans killed that night, but they were told to “stand down.” The already-known cover-up of this shameful scandal rivals Watergate, and there is obviously a lot more to come out.
  • Arab Spring Backfire. This was the result of an incomprehensible U.S. backing of the wrong side—the Muslim Brotherhood—that has declared one of its basic missions to be the destruction of the U.S. Every aspect of the Obama Administration’s Middle East policy has not made sense, and has led to much worse problems and much greater instability in this crucial region. 
  • Obamacare Rollout Fiasco. Obamacare continues to be the biggest hindrance to U.S. economic recovery, and the disastrous rollout chaos promises to only be the beginning of woes. Obamacare will not only drain the treasury, it will ultimately drain the personal assets of every American family. Yes, provisions for this are in this bill. You just need to know how to read the code that it’s written in. It has already cost multitudes of Americans their health policies that they were promised they could keep, but much worse than that, it is already costing lives, and will cost many more.
  • V.A. Scandal. Those who have made the greatest sacrifice for our country and deserve the best treatment from a grateful nation have gotten some of the worst. Nearly two hundred veterans that we know of died because of mismanagement. If you want an example of what our healthcare is going to be like managed by our government under Obamacare, then this is it. Shame on us if those responsible for this criminal negligence are not brought to justice and this system fixed so that those who deserve the best, get the best.
  • Five terrorist leaders exchanged for one alleged deserter, Sgt. Bergdahl. You can’t make this stuff up—it’s too bizarre. This unimaginable and shocking deal made the world much more dangerous for every American, and especially every American serviceman or woman.
  • Marine Corp combat veteran languishing in Mexican prison. Look what the administration did to free Sgt. Bergdahl, who his entire unit says was a deserter, but our president won’t lift a finger to dial the phone and get back this honored veteran. How many thousands of Mexican illegals now cross our border every day, many with weapons, and we welcome them and even give them better benefits than our veterans are getting? Yet we let them take one of our own, who accidentally made a wrong turn and crossed their border, to be held in prison for months! Obviously, American citizens and American veterans don’t mean enough to this President for him to make a phone call.
  • ISIS takedown of major regions of Syria and Iraq. The U.S. spent thousands of lives and trillions of dollars to rid the world of Saddam and break the power of the Taliban over Afghanistan. Then we give it all back in a few weeks and get nothing in return except for many more enemies empowered and many more friends who won’t trust us.
  • U.S. Southern Border Meltdown. Every American is going to pay a very high price for this most basic and devastating dereliction of duty on the part of the present Administration.

I apologize if I left any major crises out. There are so many it is hard to keep up with them all. It is likely that every one of these crises would have called for a vote of “no confidence” in a parliamentary republic. There would have been swift change at the top, and likely throughout any related ministry. In our system we have no recourse except impeachment, and you can hardly blame the reticence to do this considering we would be putting Biden in Obama’s place.


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