Scripture’s Secret to Creating a Sickness-Free Glory Zone
The glory of God is a divine insulation that not only fills you but also surrounds you. God’s light and presence can keep you from all evil, seen and unseen. There is a dimension in the glory where demons, depression, worry, fear and doubt can’t touch you! I have discovered in Scripture a secret to even overcoming sickness and premature death. It’s one thing to experience divine healing; it’s another thing to live in divine health. There is a higher place, a higher dimension in the Spirit we can all live in.
You can experience it!
You can fully understand God’s will to heal and effectively release God’s healing power to others. You can understand the balance between God’s sovereignty and faith and how to accelerate the manifestation of a miracle and see a hedge of protection released around the church so that none would become sick and die prematurely. It is possible to live from this realm.
In this new teaching podcast series, we are going to dive into these truths, see God’s glory insulate our lives and be a part of building a hedge of glory around the corporate church.
In addition to my podcast, I have put together a longer four-part teaching series that covers these life-changing topics and more. His word sown in your heart will move you from positional truth to experiential truth. I invite you to go to my website, ,and look in my store for the series called Creating a Sickness-Free Glory Zone. It is available in both CD and mp3 Download format. I know it will empower you to go higher in God’s healing glory!
Listen to my latest podcast to learn more!