Over the last year I have had rainbows all over my social media as my new book, Gay Awareness: Discovering the Heart of the Father and the Mind of Christ, has been released.

Should Christians Stop Using the Rainbow?


Over the last year we have seen rainbow flags and colors go from the outskirts of American cities in gay districts in local shops and places of business to the front page of every major news outlet, and finally, to the White House when the Supreme Court ruled gay marriage legal across the nation just one year ago. The rainbow has become a universal symbol of homosexuality and pride.

In the horrific aftermath of the Orlando terrorist attack on a gay nightclub, people all over the world are using the rainbow to show support and encouragement for the gay community. Rainbows are now everywhere. The most popular search engines have re-branded their home pages in rainbow décor, as well as Fortune 500 companies and sports teams adopting rainbow versions of their logos.

Individuals all over the world have posted rainbows and changed their own profile pictures to overlay the rainbow. I have received many messages with people asking me the question, “Is it ok for Christians to use the rainbow? Does that support the gay community’s sexual behavior that the Bible clearly teaches to be sinful?” I also have had the same thoughts and questions in my journey in teaching biblical clarity in a sexually confused world.

A few years ago I began making trips to San Francisco as God placed that city on my heart. God gave me a deep love for a city that is known for its bold sexuality. Every time I went to the city I would go to the “Castro District” (LGBTQ district) and pray.

There is a huge rainbow flag in Harvey Milk Square that sits on a hill and waves proudly over the city. On one trip I laid my hands on that flag pole and begin to pray and declare “God’s righteousness to be established in the city.” I found myself praying in the Spirit and I had a vision of a rainbow over the city. I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my spirit and say, “My rainbow hangs higher!” I felt this overwhelming presence of God and received a passion to reclaim the rainbow of God.

The rainbow was originally a symbol of covenant between God and man as the sign to His people that He would never again destroy the earth with a flood. Genesis 9:13 says, “I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” God calls the rainbow, “His”! God didn’t make this covenant with the gay community. It has never been given a new meaning by God. The rainbow remains a symbol of righteous covenant from God, to His people. The rainbow doesn’t belong to the gay community; it belongs to the body of Christ. It’s time to reclaim the rainbow for its righteous cause!

Over the last year I have had rainbows all over my social media as my new book, Gay Awareness: Discovering the Heart of the Father and the Mind of Christ, has been released. The gay community has been furious, as I’ve received countless hate-filled messages with people telling me to “Stop using the gay community’s symbol.” Many Christians have questioned me and my theological stance because of the rainbow colors across my social media.

At this point the average Christian just assumes that if you display a rainbow you must affirm homosexual practice. But as I’ve boldly used the colors and walked in kindness and love it’s opened up many doors and relationships that have allowed me to show loving kindness to many individuals within the gay community and those struggling with same sex attractions.

Recently I was in Orlando to pray at the scene of the Pulse nightclub attack, and I was wearing my rainbow heart shirt. I was standing outside the club in the section dedicated for the media and I had a lady and her daughter come up to me and ask me where I got my shirt. As I began to talk with her she told me her son was gay and was a frequent visitor to the Pulse nightclub. Her son was safe, but she wanted her son to experience the love of God. I got to pray with this beautiful mother and her daughter on the street right then and there. It was a powerful moment. Jesus was glorified!

I want to encourage Christians to reclaim the rainbow! Reclaim God’s biblical definition. Reclaim covenant. Reclaim grace and truth. Wear the colors; post the colors; show the love of God; be kind; don’t get involved with useless debates; be Christ-like. As followers of Christ, we must respond with unconditional love to individuals dealing with same-sex attraction and remain unwavering in our loyalty to God’s Word. {eoa}

Landon Schott and his wife Heather founded The Rev Ministries and REVtv.com, a 24/7 online youth and young adult network dedicated to turning the heart of a generation to Jesus through Christ-centered media. Landon has authored Jezebel; The Witch Is Back and Gay Awareness: Discovering The Heart of the Father and the Mind of Christ, which was released March 2016. Connect with Landon on Instagram or Twitter @LandonSchott


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