Sickness-Slaying Righteousness


Several years ago, I was sitting in a restaurant. A woman approached me and asked why I had blue hair. I started giving her my testimony of how I had been healed from Lou Gehrig’s disease.

This sweet, older woman then became enraged; she said that her friend had died from Lou Gehrig’s disease but, unlike myself, she was a righteous woman who deserved to be healed. So there was no way that God would heal me and not her friend because she was a holier person than I ever thought of being. She then made various threats of how she would expose me as a liar. After a few, unsuccessful attempts of trying to calm her down, I left the restaurant.

There is a lesson to be learned from this situation. The lesson isn’t what you may be thinking, that this woman shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. This woman was correct because at the time of my healing, I have no doubt that her friend was by far a better person than I was. The misperception on this woman’s part was believing that healing is somehow based on our righteousness.

We can accept that going to heaven isn’t based on our righteousness. However, when it comes to healing, we think God is looking at our actions to decide if we deserve to be healed. No person would ever be healed if that were true. We’ve all fallen short, and our righteousness is as filthy rags. Our actions by themselves could never match up to God’s scrutiny.

Most of us do not understand true righteousness and the effect it could have on our physical health when we have a deeper understanding of our right standing with God. Listen to the podcast episode, Sickness Slaying Righteousness, to hear more about this woman’s misconception and the impact that the righteousness of Jesus should have on our physical bodies. {eoa}

Tony Myers is the founder of Outside the 4 Walls Ministry. Tony is the author of The Lord Jesus Healed Me, Journey of an atheist to the Truth, Unlocking the Mystery of Divine Healing, Divine Healing DIY, Yes You Can, Knocking Food off its Pedestal and Pushing the Boundaries in Christ, Living Supernaturally. His website is

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