Kaitlyn Hunt

Some Homosexuals Confuse a Crime With a ‘Right’


As it is written, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Prov. 14:12, KJV).

What an appropriate statement to describe the continued denigration of the moral fabric of American society. I am fed up with everyone trying to be accommodating of homosexuals when they refuse to reciprocate toward those who disagree with them.

Let me explain.

Most of you probably have never heard of Kaitlyn Hunt. She is a 19-year-old from Sebastian, Fla., southeast of Orlando. Last week, she pleaded no contest to two counts of misdemeanor battery and misdemeanor contributing to the dependency of a child and two counts of felony interference with child custody.

Under the terms of the agreement, Hunt will be sentenced to four months in jail to be followed by two years of house arrest with electronic monitoring and then nine months of monitored probation. If she has no violations, she will not be a convicted felon under Florida law, and she will have the possibility of sealing her file and having the case expunged after 10 years.

Here’s the sordid background. It involves Hunt, who was 18 years old at the time of the crime, and an unnamed 14-year-old freshman girl went to the same high school and played on the varsity basketball team with her. The coach discovered that the two girls were having sex and expelled Hunt from the team. The coach reported the situation to the police, as required by state law, and Hunt was subsequently arrested and sent to another school to finish her senior year. Under Florida law, it is illegal for an older teen to have sexual contact with a 14-year-old, even if the relationship was consensual. In Florida, the age of consent is 16.

The judge allowed Hunt to be released after posting $5,000 bond, with the pretrial court order prohibiting her from any contact with the victim. Hunt recently had her bond revoked because she violated the judge’s order.

She was discovered to have sent more than 20,000 text messages to the victim and had engaged in sex despite the judge’s no contact order. The text messages included nude photos and videos of Hunt masturbating. She had secretly given the victim an iPad so they could stay in touch.

The disturbing aspect of this disturbing case is the response from Hunt’s parents and homosexual activists. According to news accounts, Hunt’s father said, “It’s horrible. For my daughter’s sexual preferences, she’s getting two felony charges. It could possibly ruin her future.”

Hunt’s mother said, “They [the victim’s parents] are out to destroy my daughter because they feel like she made their daughter gay. They see being gay as wrong, and they blame my daughter. Of course, I see it 100 percent differently. I don’t see or label these girls as gay. They are teenagers in high school experimenting with their sexuality—with mutual consent. And even if their daughter is gay, who cares? She is still their daughter.”

Mind you that the victim’s family never said anything about their position on homosexuality, yet the predator’s family is purporting to speak for the victim’s parents.

After reading what her parents said, it is quite easy to see why the daughter has no values or morals. The parents are supposed to be adults, but they are behaving like children. Wait, it gets worse, if that’s possible.

Steven Hunt Jr. set up a supporters’ page for Kaitlyn Hunt, and it has garnered the names of more than 300,000 people who have asked that all charges be dropped because this is a case about “consensual” sex. Never mind the fact that in Florida, a 14-year-old is not legally able to consent to sex.

The Florida American Civil Liberties Union has interjected, “Older high schoolers dating their younger counterparts is an innocuous, everyday occurrence that is not prosecuted—regardless of sexual orientation—and not a crime on par with predatory sex offenses.”

Innocuous? Hardly. A crime? Absolutely.

The victim’s family members are the only ones showing any class—or common sense—in this repulsive incident. They said in a statement, “It was never our intent to harm the defendant and this case was never about gender or sexual orientation. It was about age-appropriate relationships and following the rules and laws of our society.”

The Human Rights Campaign has not uttered a word about this criminal act. By their silence, one can deduce they believe that it’s OK for an 18-year-old to have sex with a 14-year-old as long as they pretend to be in love.

This case makes me sick to my stomach. This issue here is about the rule of law and nothing else, regardless of how homosexual activists try to rationalize it.

Raynard Jackson is president & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates LLC, a Washington, D.C.-based public relations/government affairs firm. He can be reached through his website, raynardjackson.com. You can also follow him on Twitter at @raynard1223.


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