(From left to right) Grant Berry, Apostles Dan Juster, Eitan Shiskoff and Che Ahn recently signed an historic document on the spiritual reconnection between Jew and Gentile in the body of Messiah/Christ. (Courtesy of Grant Berry, Reconnecting Ministries)

A New Beginning For The One New Man


October 28, 2014 was no ordinary day for the Kingdom of God. It was upon this day in Nazareth in Israel that both Jewish and Gentile leadership in the church gathered to sign an historic document; one that is greatly needed in the body of Messiah/Christ. It is a document of vital importance to the family of God, which strategy will be noted in the days ahead.

This commemorative signing went by relatively unnoticed, however it’s affects will be felt and experienced by many in the church who during these days are turning their hearts and spirits back towards Israel. It is a direction that must take place before the Lord can return for His bride to introduce the healing necessary so both Jewish and Gentile believers can move into their end time roles to glorify God; to help to awaken Israel spiritually to be grafted back into the vine and family of God (Rom.11:11-27).

Some documents, when signed by people, churches, governments and nations, can have immediate and noticeable affects, while others go relatively unnoticed and yet still can have a profound effect. That will be the case with this reconnecting document, which is pictured below.


This document does not mark the beginning or the commencement of this spiritual reconnecting work in His Church, because it has already begun. But rather it acknowledges the seed that the Father has already planted that must grow now in healing and reconnection throughout the family of God between Jew and non-Jew in His Church, so that God’s purposes and plans maybe achieved and carried out during these days.

For numerous reasons, this spiritual reconnection has not YET been fully recognized in the Church, which Grant Berry expounds upon in his book, The Ezekiel Generation. However, at this point in time as we come into the fullness of the mystery between Israel and the Church it is both vital and strategic in God’s end time plan, so that Yeshua/Jesus can return to establish His throne upon the earth.

What Is the Reconnection?

The reconnection focuses on a realignment in the family of God between Jew and Gentile in the church, helping both sides find healing and reconciliation for end time purposes. For Gentile believers to be reconnected to their Jewish roots through Messiah/Christ and His covenants, and for Jewish believers to fully embrace their Christian family. Not to go back to anything old, but rather to reconnect the family spiritually between Jew and Gentile as brethren in the unity of the one new man; fully blessing each others roles with one faith, One Father, One Son and One Spirit, in accordance to Yeshua’s prayer of John 17.

To realign Israel and the church (acting as its Commonwealth) in preparations for the Lord’s return; and to assist in Israel’s spiritual awakening through intercession and personal witness in order that they maybe spiritually awakened and grafted back into their own vine, in which the rest of the church is already functioning and operating through Messiah/Christ, to fully awaken the bride that the family of God would be complete for His return.

Is this not the mystery that the apostle Paul spoke to the church about in Romans chapter 11, that as we come into the time of the fullness of the Gentiles, so it says that all Israel will be saved? However, a good number of us in the church have difficulty with the restoration of Israel, because the Jews are not yet awakened and yet they are back in the land. But does it not say in Scripture, in the Torah (5 books of Moses) and the Prophets (Ezekiel & Jeremiah) that after their dispersion He will bring them back, AND THEN HE will take away their sins? And did Yeshua/Jesus not tell us that the first would be last, and the last would be first. In other words, that Israel would come in at the end. All of which is now coming into fulfillment, as God’s covenants and promises to restore Israel are coming to pass (see Ezekiel 36: 22-28). For if this is the way and plan that our most precious Father in heaven has decided to restore the earth, shouldn’t we be giving His plan our full support?

During these days we MUST come to understand that His bride is not complete without Israel’s spiritual awakening and the great role we have to play out in His church in order for this to take place. On top of which is the greatest ever redemptive power waiting to be poured out upon the Nations (see Romans 11:12,15), as we begin to realign the family of God into the fullness of the Gentiles and Israel’s spiritual awakening and to understand its significance. In the greater picture, the Gentile church is not complete without Israel’s spiritual awakening, and Israel is not complete without the church and the Commonwealth of believers. We must be reconnected spiritually and be able to co-exist as a family. This unity known as the one new man is the very heart of God and requires our full attention and dedication at this time.

How Do You See the One New Man?

As a result, there are numerous challenges ahead of us in this regard. Not only is the church at-large greatly divided on the Israel issue with many still holding to replacement theology, but even among those of us who are loving Israel and fully supporting them as they are, we still have differing views in how we see and perceive the one new man. Depending on your position in the family, either as a Jewish or Gentile believer, we have a tendency to view this relationship and our theology much through our own lenses. Rather than from our Father’s perspective, and adjustments and changes are definitely needed on both sides in order for us to find His heart and unity in this very special relationship.

I view these perspectives like a musical pendulum, with both Jewish and Gentile believers at each end and on varying degrees on each side, and the Father’s Heart at its center to which we must hopefully all find during these days.

As a result, I am beginning a new focus in my articles for Reconnecting Ministries to address these differences called, “What Is The One New Man?” This focus will shed more light on this most crucial issue and our differing viewpoints from all sides of the family and lay them at the feet of the church in love and patience for consideration and contemplation. The purpose of which, is to bring greater understanding, more tolerance, and the healing necessary for this spiritual reconnection to take place along with any adjustments that need to be made to help motivate the church into its great end time role to help bring spiritual awakening to Israel and usher in the Lord’s return.

This is truly a very exciting time for the church and what an honor to be apart of it, to potentially witness Israel’s spiritual restoration and the Lord’s return to the earth. Please look out for these future articles and feel free to let us know your views about the one new man by emailing us at [email protected]

For a copy of the signed Reconnecting Commission Document, please visit reconnectingministries.org and click on the image of the document on bottom right of the home page.

To view the video of this event in Nazareth, please click here.


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