Desperate Widow

Bible’s Desperate Widows Relied on Pure Faith


Some of the greatest men of faith and power in the gospels were not men at all, but women—often women in desperate situations.

There is the Canaanite woman, whose persevering faith led to deliverance for her daughter (Matt. 15:27), even though she had to humble herself like a dog licking crumbs under the table. Let us get the crumbs of deliverance and restoration for our children as she did.

There is the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5:30), who touched the hem of Yeshua’s garment. She pulled out of him the power of God for physical healing, while the rest of the disciples missed what was happening. Let us get the power for healing as she did.

There is the sinful woman who wept at Yeshua’s feet, kissed them and wiped them with her hair (Luke 7:38). She touched His heart with a depth of passionate love that the religious leaders could not come close to. Let us touch Yeshua with the greatness of our love as she did.

There is the widow whose persistent prayer serves as a model for all generations to pray without losing heart (Luke 18:1-5). Let us learn to pray tirelessly as she did.

There is the poor widow who put two small coins in the offering, with greater faith than all the wealthy (Luke 21:2). Let us give all we have with the supernatural generosity she had.

There is Miriam (Mary) from Migdal who searched for Yeshua and clung to Him after the resurrection (John 20:17), while the apostles were hiding away. Let us have that same tenacious faith to lay hold of the Lord in seemingly hopeless situations.

One of the secrets to seizing the power of God is to see ourselves in their position as desperate widows, focusing our faith 100 percent on Yeshua alone.


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