Pastor Robert Jeffress Joins Elite in Receiving Friends of Zion Award


Robert Jeffress screenshotOne of the most influential evangelical leaders in the world, Dr. Robert Jeffress, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, has joined an exceptional list of world leaders who have received the Friends of Zion Award during a ceremony this week at The Friends of Zion Heritage Center in Jerusalem.

The Friends of Zion Award was commissioned by the ninth president of Israel and former International Chairman of Friends of Zion, Shimon Peres. It has been given to over 22 world leaders, including former U.S. President George Bush, former U.S. President Donald Trump and former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence.

Jeffress says he never expected to be so honored.

“Never in a thousand years would I have dreamed that I, too, would receive this award,” Jeffress says. “I thought the high point of my ministry was saying that opening prayer for the dedication of the embassy in Jerusalem, on that historic day. But this beats even that, so thank you so much for this prestigious honor.

“I was actually in the Oval Office with President Trump when he received his award and I know how much it meant to the President. I spoke with Mike Pence last night, and he said that this was one of the high points of his career, receiving this prestigious and coveted award. I am honored to receive the Friends of Zion Award today in Jerusalem from an incredible organization dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism and supporting Christian friends of Israel.”

The Friends of Zion Heritage Center was established in 2015 in Jerusalem. Dr. Mike Evans, Founder of the Friends of Zion, a best-selling author and a Nobel Peace Prize nominee for a lifetime of combating anti-Semitism, sang Jeffress’ praises for his dedication to Israel.

“He is without a doubt, one of the most influential evangelicals on the globe and without a doubt, one of the most pro-Israel,” Evans said.

Jeffress says that the connection between Jews and Gentiles, especially in these end times, is a crucial one and that the United States must continue to stand with Israel through this challenging period in history.

“I truly believe It’s important to visit the friends of Zion Museum because it is a reminder of the link between Jews and Gentiles. You see how in key moments in history, Gentiles stood with Israel whenever nations wanted to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

“My prayer is that USA will continue to be on the side of Israel. The Bible shows us that he who is on the right side of Israel is on the right side of history, and most importantly, the right side of God.” {eoa}

Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma News.


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