
Yeshua Not Only Bled, But Poured Out His Soul


Passover is time for us to remember the blood of the Lamb. The Torah is filled with pictures of blood. From the first animal killed for Adam and Eve’s cloak, righteous Abel, Abraham’s circumcision, Joseph’s coat, Sinai covenant, temple sacrifices, Day of Atonement, etc.

All these graphic pictures were designed to engrave on the collective consciousness and imagination of the people of Israel the importance of the blood atonement. Blood is mentioned almost 300 times in the Tanakh (Old Testament) and 100 times in the New Covenant. At the crucifixion of Yeshua, we see the fulfillment of these symbols.

“One of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out” (John 19:34). The water and the blood were both physical; yet the water also represents Yeshua’s spirit, and the blood His soul.

In biblical terms, the soul is inside the blood. “The soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to atone for your souls for it is by the soul that the blood atones” (Lev. 17:11).

Most translations of this verse are incorrect. Read it again. It is because of the soul that the blood makes atonement. The rule of atonement is “equal replacement” or “substitution.” His (pure) soul is given in place of our (sinful) soul. The soul inside the blood makes atonement for our souls. Soul replaces soul.

“Soul for soul; eye for eye; tooth for tooth; hand for hand … wound for wound.”(Exodus 21:23-25). The word here for “wound” is the same as wound or stripe  in Isaiah 53:5—”by His wounds we are healed.” His wound replaces our wound, and we are healed. His soul replaces our soul and we are atoned. The blood is the carrier of the soul. When we say that the blood makes atonement, we mean the soul.

The soldiers who stood by Yeshua’s cross may have had some blood spattered on them, but if they did not understand and believe in the spiritual meaning, the physical blood would not have affected their salvation. Yeshua not only “bled” on the cross, He also poured out His soul.

“He poured out His soul unto death” (Is. 53:12). As Yeshua was bleeding, His soul was being emptied from His body. His soul makes atonement for our souls. Catholics, Protestants and Jews drink wine as a symbol of sanctification in almost every ceremony. Wine represents blood which represents the soul. The key element is not the wine or the blood but the soul of Yeshua.

This revelation is personal, painful, emotional, embarrassing, shocking, intimate, nauseating, dizzying, disgusting, challenging and confrontative. It is unconscionable, unbearable; almost unbelievable. Dare we meditate on such a fearful thing as the soul of God’s Son seeping out of His body, just to save us?

In 1977, I started to believe in Yeshua. I was working at the time as an arborist and tree climber. Instead of giving my heart to Yeshua, I turned back to worldly interests. At that time, I had a chain saw accident while topping a large tree. I saw my blood spurting into the air from great height while I was tied into the tree by ropes. It was a near death experience. Looking back I can see similarities to the cross and the sovereign hand of God. My soul had been singed. During the recovery period, I started to renounce the world and reconsider Yeshua. In 1978, I was saved.

The phrase “poured out” in Isaiah 53:12 is the same in modern Hebrew as infusion, like a blood transfusion in a hospital. Atonement is a legal cancellation of punishment and also a vital soul transformation. Yeshua’s soul is “injected” (as it were) into our being like a blood transfusion.

His soul touches ours and changes us totally. This soul transformation starts as a new-birth experience and continues as a sanctifying process.  

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