President Donald Trump delivers his first State of the Union address.

A Nation Divided: The Best and Worst of Times


On Tuesday night President Trump gave a historic State of the Union address.

To me, a true conservative with a biblical worldview, it actually made me proud to be an American again. The speech was also one of the longest with the most standing ovations ever. President Trump listed the many accomplishments he and his administration were able to accomplish in just the first year in office. The list was lengthy and impressive. For the most part, he is fulfilling his promises to the American people. My thoughts as I was watching it were: Surely no true American patriot, not even a Democrat, can find fault with this speech. How wrong I was.

During each standing ovation, most of the Dems sat on their hands, scowling as if their dog had died. In typical leftist fashion, various reporters and commentators denounced the president’s speech as “divisive,” “deceptive” and “demeaning”.

Shortly after several political pundits and mainstream reporters’ post-speech comments, networks switched coverage to a passionate speech by Rep. Joseph Kennedy III (D-Mass.) denouncing the Trump administration‘s policies for “turning American life into a zero-sum game” in which the well-being of some Americans must come at the expense of others (Huffpost). Kennedy is one of the Dems’ rising stars, as they say, who along with other liberals continues to portray Trump as an exclusivist white supremacist, catering to the rich. How inaccurate and dangerous a portrayal that is in a time when our nation needs so desperately to be united.

You’d think Dems would be appreciative of the non-combative tone of Trump’s speech, but no, they will never appreciate anything he says or does. They have one thing in mind: to make sure this president fails and to continue to portray him in such disrespectful, derogatory and biased terms. The bottom line is they want a different America and will never accept the one Trump is trying to reshape, rebuild and restore. The leftist progressive rhetoric is filled with subtle double-talk, blatant hypocrisy and an antichrist agenda that has no real biblical moral base.

The Joe Kennedy rally speech immediately following Trump’s State of the Union address is part of a sinister, well-organized plan that was detailed in a prophetic vision shortly after November’s 2016 election. It would do our readers good to refer to it in light of President Trump’s first year in office and the fight that is still ahead for the soul of our nation (here’s the article), and more importantly the significance of it to the body of Christ.

Here’s an excerpt from that article:

Suddenly I saw Obama behind the scene in a puppet stage pulling strings unseen as a puppeteer using agencies and individuals to harass Christians and conservatives. And I heard the Father say, “Now imagine taking that to a local level and organizing people who believe those things into a nationwide network.” Only then did I get the scope of what He was showing me. The cloud covered most of the land, heaviest in the eastern part of the U.S. at first but almost in the Midwest equally so.

I believe it is beneficial and helpful to know what is happening in the spiritual realm and what the Lord is doing in such turbulent times, especially as it pertains to His people. No matter what happens politically or economically in our nation we must constantly be reminded of the kingdom of God that true believers belong to.

A Good Reminder: True Christians Belong to a Higher Kingdom

Although I am a proud United States citizen, I am a citizen of a much higher kingdom. All true believers of the Lord Jesus Christ are part of a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Our allegiance is not to any other king or president, or even flag, or nation. We don’t pledge our allegiance to anyone or anything other than that of the kingdom of God. In the best and worst of times, I think we need to be put in remembrance of these things, so that we don’t misplace our trust in government or rulers moving forward. We know that the kingdoms of this world will only grow continually more wicked and eventually become the kingdoms of our Lord and Christ.

“The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” (Rev. 11:15)

Let me ask you: Where will our current and recent presidents be 100 years from now? Where are past wicked rulers such as Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin or more recently, Fidel Castro or Saddam Hussein?

All presidents, prime ministers and kings will be but a footnote in the pages of history, but the kingdom of Jesus Christ shall have no end. Having this understanding removes frustration, fear and panic when it comes to our elected presidents, kings, prime ministers and governmental officials and a nation that is so clearly divided.

I must admit that I was fearful of the consequences of what a Hillary Clinton presidency would bring to our nation. I saw more big government, heavy increased socialism, control, evil and frankly the demise of a nation. Very subtly and unconsciously during election season, I shifted my trust and dependency from the kingdom of God to the kingdoms of this world. It’s easy to do.

Don’t get me wrong, I love our nation and believe in electing just men who love and fear God to rule nations, but in the end, how much does the Bible ask us to engage in these things? In the final analysis, how much does it matter? The entire world is sitting in a boiling pot of nuclear and chemical warfare that has the potential to wipe out much of its population. What will matter most then are the souls of men.

And that is what should matter most now.


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