America’s Hell Enlarging Through ‘Christian’ Hypocrisy


The past week’s news headlines in America are a laboratory analysis and forecast of the perfect storm that is lambasting our falling nation.

America mourns as basketball legend Kobe Bryant dies, and every news station, sports talk show outlet and media center in America covers his death and celebrates his achievements in a sport. Meanwhile, a pastor in Nigeria is beheaded for refusal to deny Christ, and no one cares.

I wrote an article a few days ago about Kobe’s untimely death and the vanity of a celebrity gaining the whole world and possibly losing his own soul, and Christians defend him and his Catholic faith while calling me a classless individual who wrote a “creepy post mortem commentary.” The article’s purpose was to simply put us in remembrance of the brevity and vanity of life without Christ, of the permanence of eternity and it was a simple call to salvation.

The truth is, America and many professing Christians don’t want their American dream deflated. They don’t want to know that there’s a God they’re accountable to. They are like the disbelieving brothers of Jesus of whom He said:

“The world cannot hate you. But it hates Me, because I testify concerning it, that its works are evil” (John 7:7).

Much of America Hates the Real Biblical Jesus

Much of America hates the real biblical Jesus. Many professing “Christians” do, too, including many of our celebrities. The stronghold in America is not the sinners who love the world, but the professing “Christians” who praise Him with their mouth but whose heart is far from Him—the ones who confess His name, but in works, deny Him.

Folks, here is the big problem. Many of our celebrities and star athletes confess Jesus and have “God-talk” on their lips, but they do not live for Him. As an example, the Kansas City quarterback Patrick Mahomes, whom I love by the way, is being lauded for his faith in God since his childhood, yet he reportedly is living with his girlfriend and parties with his teammates. There are numerous other examples of this type of double standard and hypocrisy in America’s entertainment industry and among our celebrities. Here’s another one:

Jennifer Lopez prays in the name of Jesus Christ with all the other entertainers before their Super Bowl halftime show, then they go out and perform what amounted to a sleazy, lust-filled, sex-crazed, pagan strip dance. Apparently, her Jesus is the strip club director.

But here’s the worse thing: American preachers defend the faith of these individuals and praise them. They exalt them before our youth as an example of a bold Christian witness, but they’re living in sin. We not only have frauds in the entertainment industry, but the high crime is that we have them in our pulpits.

Pulpits are Not Preaching the Whole Counsel of God

Mahomes says he participates in team Bible studies and chapel services, but who is leading them and conducting them? Who is mentoring young men like him and others, and giving them the whole counsel of God? Who speaks of sin anymore? Who tells them their lives are wrong? What preacher in America lives up to this job description?

“Herald and preach the Word! Keep your sense of urgency [stand by, be at hand and ready], whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable. [Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.] And convince them, rebuking and correcting, warning and urging and encouraging them, being unflagging and inexhaustible in patience and teaching” (2 Tim. 4:2, AMPC).

One nationally known preacher said that in one megachurch he preached in, 60% of couples were living together out of wedlock. But here’s the shocker: None of them thought it was wrong. I have two problems with that. First, were these people even born again? Secondly, what in the world were the pastor and/or local leaders preaching?

Just look at the comments from the sleazy Super Bowl halftime show. Some of those entertainers are professing Christians. Many viewers who defended the show are professing Christians and so-called ministers. It’s alarming to me that a professing Christian could watch this halftime show and not sense the Lord’s displeasure and be grieved in their spirit. Listen, if you are in that category, you are asleep and in great need of a rude awakening. Repent of your false profession and your compromise against holiness.

Have you ever read the following verses?

“And do not let sexual immorality, or any impurity, or greed be named among you, as these are not proper among saints. Let there be no filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse joking, which are not fitting. Instead, give thanks. For this you know, that no sexually immoral or impure person, or one who is greedy, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God” (Eph. 5:3-7).

Much of “Christian” America doesn’t even know such verses are in the Bible. Such popular figures like mayor and presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg are professing “Christians” who are in a same-sex marriage relationship. Honestly, it makes me want to vomit when I see half of our nation idolizing such. Oh God, how far we have fallen from biblical standards in America!

The Perfect Storm

The deception is rooted in this simple statement: We have divorced Christianity from the Bible. America is a homosexual nation because we celebrate this lifestyle and cater to them all. America’s new religion is sex in all forms, and in all fashions. We have been desensitized to sin and seduced by sex. We are a hell-bound nation. The worst of it is that our children are bearing the brunt of our lust and being exploited by the thousands. It’s all about shock value—it brings down the defenses so after a while it won’t bother you.

I know many of you don’t want to hear it, but it was the Obama presidency that opened the portal of sexuality here in America to a greater measure, and accelerated this vile filth from the pits of hell. Political authority from those eight disastrous years allowed a hell-bent, full-blown, deviant spirit to rule, while too many Christian pastors played church growth-ism by reducing their services to a nursery and pampering their parishioners.

And worse yet, now that a true presidential leader is putting a strangle hold on some of the darkness and prevailing progressivism, and draining the national swamp of its evil, people are having hissy fits as they scream for their Sodom and Gomorrah to remain unrestricted and unrestrained.

It’s a recipe for disaster. It’s the perfect storm. A sleepy church and a sinful society. An unholy church and a hell-bent nation. Cowards and frauds in our pulpits who won’t preach the full truth, while the world parties on into eternal damnation.

In such an evil day the words of Leonard Ravenhill seem so fitting: “The world is going to hell fire because the church has lost Holy Ghost fire.”

May a holy remnant arise with holy fire in their bellies and sound the alarm on the blatant hypocrisy of make-believe Christians who are hell-bound.

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