How Sloppy Love, Unscriptural Mercy and Greasy Grace Are Hindering Kingdom Culture


The old praying woman, a dear saint of God, trained in the Spirit, observed one of the day’s most popular preachers hooting and a-hollering on his television program. Immediately she discerned he was not right, and she said, “He doesn’t have the real Spirit. That’s another spirit. I don’t know that spirit.”

Meanwhile, millions of believers swallow everything this man says and is, and they shout amen without ever searching or questioning his doctrine or the spirit by which he speaks. And if you should say anything unfavorable as this old saint did, they will be quick to reprove you and tell you not to touch God’s anointed. It’s the bane of the Pentecostal/charismatic movement.

What has happened to our discernment?

In light of the recent confirmed sinful and abominable allegations of one minister, who represents so many more, and the failure of leadership to rebuke him publicly, so that he might repent and enter a long process of discipline and possible restoration, we now have brought reproach to the holy name of Jesus and become the laughingstock of the internet world. Not to mention, we leave the aforementioned minister and those he deeply hurt, abused and wounded in greater peril, more susceptible to bitterness and bondage for having waited this long to deal with this situation.

Remember, this is not a Matthew 18 situation where a brother has sinned against you personally and you apply proper protocol and procedure to go to him personally, and then take one or two others if he doesn’t repent, and then bring it before the church. Then if that doesn’t bring repentance, you count him as a heathen.

This also isn’t a 1 Corinthians 5 moment where a man was committing incest with his stepmother. In that instance, Paul rebuked the church for being puffed up rather than mourning for this man and the situation. The Corinthians were glorying in this mess. Paul commanded them to turn him over to Satan and cast this evil man from them, all for the purpose and final hope of working repentance in him, so his soul could be saved in the end. The motive was redemptive, not punitive.

With leaders it’s even stricter. Have a look:

Do not receive an accusation against an elder, except before two or three witnesses. Rebuke in the presence of everyone those who sin, that the rest also may fear. I command you before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels that you observe these things without prejudice, doing nothing by partiality.

Do not lay hands suddenly on anyone, and do not partake of other men’s sins. Keep yourself pure (1 Tim. 5:19-22).

The previous verses admonish us to give double honor to godly elders (vv. 17-18), especially those who labor in the Word and doctrine. Double honor implies double dishonor for those who practice sin and fill their office unworthily. Leaders/teachers are under a stricter judgment (James 3:1). They are to be rebuked publicly if accusations against them prove true.

We are to do this without prejudice or partiality. This means we cannot be partial to friends, spiritual sons or daughters, higher-ups, relatives or even family. Our loyalty must be to the truth. Judge the matter in the sight of God.

Moreover, leaders become impure when they lay hands on unqualified ministers to ordain, approve, and or commend them to ministry. Impurity leads to more impurity and a little leaven leavens the whole lump. We are at the “whole lump” moment. Dirty. Despicable. Defiled. He who is righteous in this day is prey for the sinful, religious, man-pleasing and lukewarm. It is the hour for deep purging and cleansing.

In another case, Paul delivered two men to Satan so that they would learn not to blaspheme (1 Tim. 1:20).

I’m sorry, folks, but we know nothing about this. Where have any of you seen this applied? We’ve been hoodwinked by the sentimental sloppy love, unscriptural mercy and the cheap greasy grace that seducing spirits have allied with to create this mess of sin, perversion and unqualified leaders and devouring wolves who are still in the body. What a shame!

We know nothing of this kind of judgment. Hopefully this awful incident and others that will follow will bring leaders to a firmer resolution to clean things up and cultivate true kingdom culture where holiness and the fear of the Lord reign—a culture where true fathers and proven godly leaders who understand kingdom ways and righteous judgment are positioned properly in the body to set things in order and align the city and regional ecclesia across this land to God’s plans and purposes. What a great day that will be.

Church, we are at a threshold. The judgment of God is intensifying. Much more will be exposed in the days to come. The days of Ananias and Sapphira are just beginning (read my book, Cleansing the Temple, and be further enlightened). It is not just sexual sins and perversion that will be exposed, but as I mention in my book, other iniquities shall come to the surface.

The Lord will purge and cleanse His church from all these things and move us into purity, prayer and power so we can experience the greatest revival and move of God this world has ever seen.

But first, as a father in the faith recently stated, we have to get this basic leadership process right. It is essential to this moment in kingdom history and this generation’s place in redemptive history.

With all fear and trembling I submit these things to you.


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