Is America on the Brink of Death and Destruction?


I just completed a manuscript called, The Tumultuous 2020s and Beyond: A New Era for America, the Church and the Nations. I may add one more chapter to it because many voices are now warning us of judgment on America. It is no longer a question of if, but when, and how extensive it will be.

Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast, call a sacred assembly; gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children and nursing babes; let the bridegroom go out from his chamber, and the bride from her dressing room.

Let the priests, who minister to the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar; let them say, “Spare Your people, O Lord, and do not give Your heritage to reproach, that the nations should rule over them. Why should they say among the peoples, “Where is their God?” (Joel 2:15-17, NKJV).

Unless the church humbles itself, there will be judgment in America beginning in 2020 and 2021. These years are pivotal in the governmental arena of our nation. The continual hatred and battering of our president and the impeachment inquiry and hunt for dirt on him is the beginnings of the further divide of our nation. This is a severe warning. Civil unrest and civil war in parts of our nation could result. Such chaos and disorder will open us to foreign invasion. Prophets from America and other nations are being visited and warned about our nation and the need for widespread humility, repentance and prayer within the church.

Great and sincere humility and repentance are required for judgment to pass over us or even for greater delay in it. Most Christians just want to pray judgment away and continue on with their self-centered lives, but that posture will not move the hand of God. That type of prayer and lack of humility is worthless. Attempts at avoiding judgment without true repentance evidenced by a lifestyle change is fruitless and an absolute waste of time. God sees through situational repentance which is only motivated by a desire to avoid tragedy and hardship. True repentance is a complete submission and a turning over of our lives to the Lord that is motivated by a heart-felt desire for total obedience. God will not be mocked by anything else.

We are nearer to a severe disruption in this nation that is at the door. Anyone who is a spiritual person and fully awake can sense the tremblings and shakings of it. I believe it can be delayed but not sure it can be stopped without massive repentance and unity in the church. This will affect our nation politically, governmentally and economically. Many of us have been in a state of humility and repentance personally, but the sin is church-wide and body-wide. It must begin at the leadership level (read my book on Cleansing The Temple where this is outlined).

It Starts With Church Leadership Being a Friend to the Bridegroom

Church leaders are not letting Christ build His church and have His way. They are not leading people to Christ but to their own plan and agenda. God is tired of manmade systems dominated by human wisdom. To many church leaders, the ministry is a job and a means of making a living, and attendance, buildings and cash are the bottom line with many of them. If that’s you, you need to get out of the ministry fast because you are a liability to Christ’s church and not an asset.

Leadership is about being a friend of the Bridegroom and getting people to Jesus and not drawing them after yourself and your vision and agenda. If you connect people to the Lord they won’t need you as much. Leaders must decrease so Christ can increase. Some leaders’ egos are too big to admit that. Leaders are ordained by God to help people connect to the Lord and walk with Him.

Not only that, but many leaders and Christians are bound by sexual sin, pornography and perversion. Their marriages and families are unstable and out of order, and yet they are trying to lead God’s people. What a sham. It is such a mess and worse than many have even thought. I praise the Lord for godly leadership, but there are so many ministers who can’t keep their pants on and are living in sexual sin. Well over 50% of church and ministry leaders are bound by pornography.

We must also put an end to the schisms and division that is such a black mark against the body of Christ. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Satan, the accuser of the brethren, is busy accusing members of the body and setting them against each other. Instead of honor we are sowing strife and dishonor. If we continue to wrestle against flesh and blood, and not recognize our true enemy and his devices, we will never be in a position to exercise our authority over him and to have a great effect on both the church and the nation.

Religion or the Power of God

When 9/11 happened years ago, we had fire-escape religion. Many people began to attend church and consider God again in their lives, but soon the tragedy was forgotten, and people went on with their sinful lives and living however they wanted to. They didn’t find the power of God in the church but only got religion. This is the problem we have today. Many people are dechurched and unchurched because they are not finding a place to be touched by God and transformed. They are receiving information, but little impartation and transformation.

It seems as if unless we have a real crisis in our nation, too many Christians and leaders will continue to yawn and slumber and sleep. Personally, I’m living as soberly as I ever have. I’m as prayerful and watchful as I’ve ever been. I’m endeavoring to walk in love and obedience more consistently now than ever in my Christian life. Something is coming down the pike that is going to rattle this nation and cause great panic and fear among many. But we need not fear if we are right with God and walking with Him in true consecration and holiness.

Nuclear war is now even a very real threat and possibility. We are in the final hour of the last days and the nations are being aligned with Bible prophecy and last days events.

It’s time to wake up, humble ourselves, repent, and live for the Lord wholeheartedly. If you’re walking close to the Lord, you will have wisdom and guidance for the times, peace and authority in your spirit to rule and reign, and courage to suffer and face hardship.

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