We will not stop praying until the heavens are opened and the Lord moves in.

The Antithesis of Status-Quo Christianity


Here is a testimony of a recent outpouring contained in a letter written to me. Our prayer is that these kinds of outpourings will be multiplied in our own nation as we move into the end of days.

We wrapped up the day Sunday with the tremendous blessing of being in the presence of God for 9 hours. Just got home and it is 9:00 pm.

We didn’t have any room this morning. I’m asking the Lord for direction and crying out for His timing. The Lord has directed me that He would be preparing a place that could host this outpouring.

There were people today that would be walking across the floor and get stopped still, unable to move. I know it’s legitimate because it happened to me on Saturday night. I was instantly glued to one spot and couldn’t move for an hour and a half. I would laugh and then weep.

We will not stop praying until the heavens are opened and the Lord moves in. Please pray for provision. I know it’s not about a building, but people are beginning to come from other places. We have a small place full of the glory of God. I will not go anywhere unless the Lord goes with us.

The Lord gave me a word of knowledge this morning about a left leg full of infection from a deep wound. I spoke it forth and instantly the fire of God hit a visitor, and he raised his hand and responded, “That’s me! How did you know?”

I didn’t explain it to him, but just commanded him to be healed in Jesus’ name.

A shoulder injury was also instantly healed in the Lord’s presence. Many others are being healed while in His presence. The Lord is moving, but He wants to move in an even greater manner.

We are asking the Lord for provision because we’re having parking problems and other tenants are complaining. It’s a good problem but I’m burdened.

A lady who lives an hour away testified today that when she got in her car to come here this morning she began to shake profusely and her husband couldn’t stop weeping. She wept and was given her new prayer language today.

While doing a baby dedication this morning I saw in a vision a left eye that was almost blind. I spoke it out and a lady began to weep and was instantly healed.

People are weeping on their way to church while in transit.

I’ve already begun to hear that the Lord will prepare the team. I’m already seeing people grow weary from nightly prayer. I’m having to pastor and give people nights off to get rest. I’m down to a small remnant of people praying, but I would rather die than not be in this outpouring. I will not relent until the Lord fulfills what He promised He would do if we pray.

I’m not going to reveal this thing until the Lord gives me the go ahead. I’m afraid of quenching the Spirit. He said He would advertise. I’m desperate with a deep yearning within, and words can’t express the way I feel. I’m sleeping very little and waking up with travail. The Lion of Judah is on the move! He’s roaring in my heart and I’m overwhelmed by His hunger.

I got a call to minister in a place where we had revival last year. They asked me to return, but I told them I couldn’t because I was committing my life to prayer. I told them perhaps I would come next month.

While we’re texting, people are texting me and telling me they can’t stop shaking and weeping in their homes. We are in the beginning stages of the outpouring the Lord promised.

God is not a respecter of persons. The supply of the Spirit is available to every minister and to every local church. The workings of His power are dynamic. Effectual fervent prayer makes it so (Jam. 5:16). But so many do not pray in this place and do not take time to wait on God to move into this expanded place of prayer – a place of deep intercessions, groanings, and travail.

Unless you allow the Lord to take His eternal place in your heart, unless you’ve repented of your idolatry and the futility of your own efforts, unless you’ve come to the end of yourself, it will be difficult to enter in. By God’s grace He will put a hunger in you for it if you will ask Him.

Prayer is not just words. It is the depths of the heart crying unto the depths of God’s heart. It is the cry of the Spirit to help men pray this way. It is a place that so few know and understand today. It is the only place that will give birth to the kind of workings and supply of the Spirit that are needed in this hour for the church to display the manifold wisdom of God before principalities and powers (Eph. 3:10).

Will you separate yourself from the world and even the legitimate pleasures of life and give yourself to prayer?


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