The Last Straw and the New Leftist Narrative: Divorce Christianity From the Bible


Secularized America is steeped deeply in gross darkness. Our youth are Satan’s prized trophy. Without effectual fervent intercession and a compassionate convicting message confirmed with miracles, most don’t stand a chance to ever experience true conversion and receive the life of God.

The lies of the fake media are shaping the minds of Americans, especially our youth. They’ve been lied to about their identity and who they are. They’ve been lied to about history, politics, racism and socialism. They’ve been lied to about creation, God and religion—brainwashed into seeing Christianity and Judaism in a bad light while taught Islam and other Eastern religions are good.

I have friends who work in the secular field, and they tell me that more and more young people they work with have completely lost their identity and are yielding to homosexuality, lesbianism and transgenderism. One man told me that every other student in his drivers education class is a transgender.

America Is Sicker Than You Think

This unclean spirit has disconnected many of our youth (although it has affected all ages) to their natural instincts and connected them to confusion as they cling to another of like gender, hoping to fill the gaping hole of emptiness in their hearts. Tampering with your DNA and who your Creator made you is simply spiritual rebellion that stems from entertaining these unclean spirits, which the lies and ideologies in our culture have unleashed.

You can talk about the abuse they’ve experienced or the pain, the neglect and the emptiness they feel, and sincere believers can’t help to be moved with compassion, but we didn’t have this sort of confusion and highly visible perversion a generation ago. In fact, we’d be appalled back then if we could foresee what would be so prevalent in America today. Do we even understand that all these things signify one of the last stages of the death of a culture? Read Romans 1.

People might say that homosexuality has been around for thousands of years, but what about gay marriage and transgenderism?

This is a part of a much larger picture and grand Satanic strategy to continue to infect and further break down the moral base of our society, harass and weaken the church, and separate more of America from the moral absolutes of the Bible and what this nation was founded upon. Our first president, George Washington, said that the issues of virtue and morality are indispensable. Satan is no longer hiding his cards.

In case you haven’t noticed, this is America today: Drag queens in our schools. Pedophiles in our Boys Scouts. Increased and intensified discrimination against true Christianity. Students wear satanic T-shirts to school but cannot pray in the name of Jesus. Teachers won’t read or discuss the Scriptures with students for fear of parental prosecution. Counseling transgenders or gays is forbidden. Teenagers can get abortions on demand without parental permission. In my area, witches are cursing churches and now incanting the queer spirit over our region while many lukewarm Christians sleep and slumber through it all.

Things that were shameful and kept hidden not too long ago are now flaunted and paraded in the open. If not for a holy praying remnant that serve as the final firewall and salt and light in our nation it would be hopeless. Neither Republicans nor Democrats nor Independents nor socialists nor communists can deliver the soul of this nation.

Satan is the god of this world (see 2 Cor. 4:4), and the prince of the power of the air.

“Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 6:12).

Still too many believers have become desensitized and dulled to the madness of this Antichrist spirit, and too many pastors and church leaders remain silent or have yielded to gross compromise. The battle for believers is now for a unified kingdom and a church that will stand as one.

Two Sides

There are two sides to this matter. One side is exemplified by the recent remarks of the gay mayor from Indiana named Pete Buttigieg who proclaims unashamedly that his Creator made him gay, and if anyone has an issue with that, they should take it up with him. And now he wants to have a national discussion on what is a scriptural Christian. We should take him up on that one, although it might be a trap.

The liberal left is now making this a religious thing. It’s a new attack. Just watch. The plan going forward is to divorce Christianity from the Bible. They won’t tell you that now, but that is their strategy, especially as we get closer to the next election.

The leftists are desperate and in a frenzy because they can’t stand the thought of President Trump being elected for another four years. Look for another false narrative they’ll serve up to the American people about Trump’s connection to Bible-believing Christians. Their true colors are now being seen by many Americans, and their strategy will backfire and fail.

Here’s the other side on this matter: If you stand up to the LGBT agenda, society will ask for your head a la John the Baptist. Most recent case in point is the young Australian rugby player who was just fired for essentially quoting Galatians 5:19-21, and saying that sinners, including homosexuals, are headed toward hell if they don’t repent. To add insult to the injury of being fired, instead of defending him, the most visible charismatic leader in Australia published an article condemning the brother for being unloving. This is so typical of our day, and one of the reasons the church has little power and authority. How can the church stand when we are so divided on the most basic scriptural issues of sin and repentance?

Time for Holy Zeal

Shouldn’t we all be rallying behind our fearless brother in support of his statements? Shouldn’t we applaud him for boldly voicing his faith? Shouldn’t we proclaim with him the Word of God and tell the world that our God, who made us male and female, is deserving of all our loyalty and worship? Instead, too many professing Christians, even in so called Pentecostal/charismatic camps, promote a false Christ and persecute those who proclaim the one true God.

This is the Antichrist spirit that separates Christianity from the Bible and has opened the door to seducing spirits who are deceiving multitudes.

All professing Christians need to wake up and come out from this Babylonian system, and stand in solidarity when such condemnation is heaped on our brothers and sisters who are standing for truth, morality and righteousness. The world expresses outrage at our stand for righteousness, and many in the church find fault with the righteous and accuse them of being unloving, condemning and even homophobic. This should not be.

Where is the honor and the zeal for God’s house and God’s holiness? Where are those who are jealous for God’s name? Where is the spirit of the early apostles who in the midst of intense persecution proclaimed, “It is better to obey God than man?”


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