This Prophetic Shofar Blast Reveals What We Can Expect in the Month of Tishrei 5779


Three, Two, One … Blast-off! Welcome to Tishrei!

The seventh month of the Biblical year starts off with a blast. It’s the blast of the shofar. This blast rings out on the very first day of the month, known as the “Feast of Trumpets.” It is a call to “Awake,” literally a “wake-up call” from the Lord. This season is all about awakening our hearts to return to the Lord. This is something we would not normally do on our own. The Lord knows we have a tendency to drift, so in His great love for us, He initiated this season to keep us in communion with Him. We hear His shofar blast several times in this month of the High Holy Days. Now that He has our attention, let us tune in to hear His word at every turn.

We hear a second blow of the shofar at the top of this month, calling us to “Return!” In the Old Testament, this marks the 10-day countdown known as “The Days of Awe.” This is a time of reflection and returning. The Hebrew letter of the month, “Lamed”, pictures a shepherd’s staff, which prods sheep back to their Shepherd, their absolute source. At the end of these 10n days, the shofar blasts once again, calling us to “Repent!” This is called The Day of Atonement, also known as Yom Kippur. This is the holiest day on the Hebrew calendar, marked by fasting and confession. The Hebrew word “kippur” means “covering,” and on Yom Kippur, the high priest would confess the sins of Israel by laying his hands on the head of a goat. The goat would then take on the sin of the nation and be sacrificed on Israel’s behalf. The Lord would then accept the blood offering and extend forgiveness to Israel, and thus would be covered for another year.

But what about us today? God required the blood of an animal for the atonement of sin in the Old Testament (Lev. 17:11), but this atonement only covered sin; it did not erase it completely. Therefore, He made a new and better covenant with us in the New Testament through the blood of His own son, Jesus. As it is written, “God made Him [Jesus] who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Cor 5:21) Jesus was the perfect sacrifice and “took on” sin just as the goat did, only better, much better. Jesus took on the sin of the whole world. His blood erased it once and for all. The ultimate sacrifice was offered and accepted by the Lord, but the question is whether we have accepted Jesus’ blood on our behalf. When we do, the divine exchange takes place. He takes on our sin and we take on His righteousness or right standing with God. So whether we are responding to His call for the first time or rededicating our hearts, may we come before Him with a heart like David in this season asking the Lord…”Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my concerns, and see if there is any rebellious way in me, and lead me in the ancient way” (Ps. 139:23-24). When we allow Him to shine His light into our hearts and lives, He brings His lovingkindness and truth. His truth in love leads us to repentance and ultimately brings us joy and peace with God. Hence the blasts of the shofar, calling us to awake! Return! Repent!

Following this time of repentance and reunion with the Lord, a final blast rings out. This one calls us to “Rejoice!” This begins the “Feast of Tabernacles” or “Succot.” This week-long feast not only celebrates the Lord’s physical provision of the fall harvest, but also rejoices in the spiritual provision of The Lord Himself, who tabernacles in our midst. One of the joys of this feast is celebrating in our own “tabernacle” or “tent.” (Lev. 23:42) The Lord appointed this time for us to build our tent to remind us of His faithfulness to us, just as He did with the Israelites in the wilderness. As we gather in our tent or “sukkah” with family and friends, He meets us there. It is a time for all of us to rejoice in the faithfulness of our Good Shepherd! This is the grand finale and truly a time to rejoice for “In [His] presence is fullness of joy.” (Ps. 16:11b)

Lastly, it is important to know Tishrei means “beginning.” After hearing and discovering the meaning of each blast of the shofar, we can clearly hear His invitation. As old habits and cycles end, a new life in Him begins. This also coincides as the new civil year begins on Rosh Hashanah. As the numerical year turns from 5778 to 5779, we turn, and return, to the Lord. As we mediate on the numerical value of the year 5779, we learn “Ayin” means 70, representing vision and a spring of water. “Tet” or nine (9), can be a picture of a womb/basket depicting fruitfulness OR a twisted snake. Basically the choice of life or death! As we believe and choose life in Him (Deut 30:19) we will taste and see that the Lord is good. This is not only a year of fruitfulness, but of double fruit! For the year of fruitfulness begins in the month associated with the tribe of Ephriam, whose name actually means “double fruit for future.” How awesome is that! May our hearts be encouraged as we hearken onto His shofar blast into 5779 … and believe! “I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Ps 27:13).

Do you hear the Lord’s wake-up call? What is He calling you to turn from? Have you personally accepted Jesus’ blood sacrifice as His payment for your sin? May you and your family consider celebrating His faithfulness by making your own tent this month. Take heed of each blast of the shofar and respond with a humble heart. The Lord knows us well. In His great love, He gives us a wake-up call so we can blast off into the new as a new creation. “Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things have passed away. Look, all things have become new” (2 Cor. 5:17). {eoa}

Christine Vales is an author and teacher of “His Appointed Times: Hebrew /Gregorian Calendar & Journal” and has been blessed with

the privilege of uncovering the Lord’s prophetic calendar, teaching others how to connect with His ancient timepiece in real-time in their lives. Christine sends forth her creative monthly “Chalkboard Teachings” on YouTube and social media, and also goes forth teaching at live gatherings, large and small… all to draw hearts closer to The Ancient of Days Himself— Truly our times are in His hands. Psalm 90:12 {eoa}

Christine Vales is an author and teacher of “His Appointed Times: Hebrew /Gregorian Calendar & Journal” and has been blessed with

the privilege of uncovering the Lord’s prophetic calendar, teaching others how to connect with His ancient timepiece in real-time in their lives. Christine sends forth her creative monthly “Chalkboard Teachings” on YouTube and social media, and also goes forth teaching at live gatherings, large and small… all to draw hearts closer to The Ancient of Days Himself— Truly our times are in His hands. Psalm 90:12

Christine Vales is an author and teacher of His Appointed Times: Hebrew /Gregorian Calendar & Journal and has been blessed with the privilege of uncovering the Lord’s prophetic calendar, teaching others how to connect with His ancient timepiece in real-time in their lives. Christine sends forth her creative monthly “Chalkboard Teachings” on YouTube and social media, and also goes forth teaching at live gatherings, large and small, all to draw hearts closer to the Ancient of Days Himself— Truly our times are in His hands (Psalm 90:12).


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