This Revelation Breaks Spiritual Attacks That Come Against You Daily


Romans 8:37 says that Christians are “more than conquerors” in this world. But do we really know what it means to be more than a conqueror? I know it took many years for me to learn how to live the victorious life Jesus died to give us as believers.

There were many years when I went to church faithfully every week, yet my private life was pathetic. It was so frustrating because I really loved God and was a born-again believer, but I wasn’t experiencing victory over the problems in my life so that I could really live for God and help people.

But as I grew in my personal relationship with Christ and spent time studying the Word, I came to understand what it means to be more than a conqueror and how I could get there. And if I can do it, so can you!

To be more than a conqueror means that before you ever get a problem, you already know that whatever problem comes your way, you can overcome it through Christ. You live with confidence that God loves you no matter what and He will never leave you nor forsake you.

When you have this kind of relationship with Christ, you aren’t constantly afraid of bad news or of things that may happen that aren’t in your plan. When the unexpected happens or you’re disappointed, you won’t be devastated by it.

See, when you get a revelation of who you are in Christ, you know that with Christ on the inside of you, there is nothing that can happen that’s more than you are because there’s nothing that’s too much for Him! First John 4:4 (ESV) confirms it: “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

It’s so important for us to get this truth down in our hearts and see ourselves as more than conquerors through Christ Jesus because if we don’t, then our enemy, Satan, will be able to confuse us and keep us from victory. And all the enemy wants to do is kill, steal and destroy what God wants us to have (see John 10:10). He wants to diminish you—make you small-minded and small in spirit so you’ll live a small, frustrated life.

But we don’t have to live that way. Every person who confesses that Christ Jesus is Lord, repents of their sin and gives their heart to God is a child of God and belongs to Him. In Christ, we are made right with God, we are His righteousness, and we have the power of Christ in us to live right (2 Cor. 5:17, 21; Phil. 4:13).

Do you realize what this means? It means that as we spend time with God in prayer and studying the Bible, we can access the wisdom and strength we need to make right choices and behave right. It doesn’t happen all at once or overnight, but we will make progress every day that we seek God this way.

I really want you to get this revelation of who you are in Christ as a born-again believer so you won’t be frustrated or discouraged or feel like you’re always under attack and just trying to get through the day. God has more for us than that!

When you make a mistake and the devil comes and tells you, “You’re no good,” you don’t have to take on the guilt and condemnation he wants to put on you. No! You can immediately confess your mistake to God, thank Him for forgiving you and cleansing you with the blood of Jesus and move forward in the victory of His grace and forgiveness.

God loves you so much! And He wants you to abide (live in) His love so you will always be confident that He is with you and He is for you. As 1 John 4:17b says, “as he is so also are we in this world.” That’s the life you have in Christ!

Take time to study Scriptures that show you who God really is. Get a deeper understanding of His character and His heart for you. Spend time with Him, read His Word and let Him love you.

Know that He loves you unconditionally. He is good. He wants to bless you and help you. When you really have a revelation of this truth, you won’t be tormented by doubts about whether God cares or whether He will take care of you.

Whatever your situation is today, God knows about it. He sees you and hears the cry of your heart. If you will give Him your problems and do what He tells you to do, you will access His overcoming love, grace and power and be more than a conqueror. Because in Christ, as He is, so are we in this world!


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