The Howells Project is designed to develop a life of faith that can impact world events at the highest levels. Will you answer this call?

WATCH: When Fear and Global Unrest Surround, Rees Howells Secured Victory in Prayer


Is it possible to be at peace when the world is in crisis? One man who stood in faith through both World Wars—intercessor Rees Howells—demonstrated a life laid on the altar.

Not only did this strategy change how he experienced events; it altered the world around Rees Howells, revealing the bigger story God was calling him into despite the extreme nature of current events. “Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity,” Howells often said.

Heaven knows we need it today. Recent incidents of terrorism have reignited fears about national security. Demonstrations-turned-riots in U.S. cities have become ever more common. And after 11 years praying in Washington, D.C., I can only agree with observers who call this election cycle unprecedented… with more surprises likely to come.

Living in Wales during the first half of the 20th century, Rees Howells faced a world rapidly changing: technology opened up new possibilities, nations realigned, the balance of power shifted, tensions flared between different nationalities and people groups. Sound familiar?

One moment early in his life and ministry illustrates how intercession gave Howells insights that even the most well-informed, high-ranking leaders did not possess. In May 1915, a German U-boat torpedoed the Lusitania, the world’s largest passenger ship at the time—an act of war that killed 1,198 people and ultimately led to the United States entering World War I against Germany.  

Called by God on a missionary journey to Africa, Rees Howells and his wife Elizabeth were booked on a ship entering those same dangerous waters only months after the Lusitania sinking. Some passengers cancelled their voyage, while the rest were consumed with fear. The Howells knew God was sending them. Therefore, He would guard their ship, and he “assured all who needed it that God would protect them,” according to Howells’ biographer Richard Maton.

“To believe that God would guard their ship from German submarines, and to publicly declare it to those who were afraid, was a leap of faith that few have taken,” Maton continues. “Here was a man of God who had secured a victory in the heavenly realm for himself and his wife. Now he could stand for the protection of all!”

Later in their voyage, their ship captain received reports of U-boats nearby their vessel and considered turning back. In a meeting with the fearful captain, Rees Howells assured him they would have safe passage—knowing God was taking them to Africa to serve Him.

They arrived safely and got to work advancing the Gospel. Over the course of five years in Africa, the Howells saw more than 10,000 people come to salvation in Christ!

The parallels to our current time cannot be ignored. In a time of fear and global unrest, God is moving in the earth with revival and awakening. What the Body of Christ needs in this hour is selfless intercessors who will prevail in prayer to see God’s divine will established in the earth.

This is exactly our mission at Justice House of Prayer DC in launching The Howells Project, a four-week intensive that includes overseas travel to Wales, Great Britain—spending a week at the Bible College of Wales where Rees Howells and a small company of intercessors contended for victory during World War II. We’re excited by the multi-generational, multi-ethnic group set to band together starting May 22.

Rees and Elizabeth Howells knew God secured specific victories for their pivotal time; can we not stretch out our faith and personal sacrifice for victories in our day? This journey is about laying hold of realities in prayer that make an impact on international situations.  

As Rees Howells so powerfully stated: “People are too easily satisfied with little time spent with God and much activity to influence a few, rather than much time spent alone in the Divine Presence to see the wicked strongholds of evil broken and millions released from spiritual darkness and bondage.”

A full-time missionary, Matt Lockett serves as executive director of Justice House of Prayer DC which is hosting The Howells Project starting May 22 (application deadline: May 2). Matt’s passion is to help father a young, consecrated generation of believers. He travels and teaches on the subjects of prayer, fasting and governmental intercession. He and his wife, Kim, live in the Washington, D.C., area with their four children.

Learn more about The Howells Project


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