Ancient Principality Artemis Raging in the Nations


When I entered Berlin, I felt a tightness in the atmosphere. Almost immediately, the spirit of Artemis confronted me. This demon was staring me in the face.

Maybe you’ve never heard of Artemis. But this principality was a central figure in the life of the Ephesians, which is modern-day Turkey. You’ll find people, including a satanic silversmith, influenced by this demon in Acts 19.

Sometime after casting the spirit of divination out of the girl in Thyatira—and landing in jail because of backlash from a principality—Paul ran into serious trouble in Ephesus. Indeed, his gospel efforts once again stirred the principalities and powers of witchcraft against him.

Indeed, Paul had a head on collision with Artemis—also called Diana and better known as Jezebel—and one of her dedicated merchandisers named Demetrius. Demetrius posed as a devout follower of Diana but was more interested in the money false worship put in his pockets. He was selling idols by the droves for a pretty penny.

A Satanic Silversmith

Like the masters of servant girl in the Thyatira who were enraged when they lost the revenue she was driving for them through telling fortunes, Demetrius was infuriated when Paul’s revival saw the spirit of the fear of the Lord fall on the city.

In response to Paul’s gospel message, pagans practicing sorcery suddenly burned their witchcraft books—millions of dollars worth went up in smoke. Suddenly, the scene shifted from revival to riot when worship of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, threatened to dethrone the principality called Artemis and its territorial stronghold in Ephesus.

“About that time, serious trouble developed in Ephesus concerning the Way. It began with Demetrius, a silversmith who had a large business manufacturing silver shrines of the Greek goddess Artemis. He kept many craftsmen busy” (Acts 19:24).

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Jennifer LeClaire is an internationally recognized author, apostolic-prophetic voice to her generation and conference speaker. She carries a reforming voice that inspires and challenges believers to pursue intimacy with God, cultivate their spiritual gifts and walk in the fullness of what God has called them to do. Jennifer is contending for awakening in the nations through intercession and spiritual warfare, strong apostolic preaching and practical prophetic teaching that equips the saints for the work of the ministry. Jennifer is senior leader of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, FL, founder of the Ignite Network and founder of the Awakening Prayer Hubs prayer movement.


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