Is Sorcery Defying Prophetic Words About the End of Coronavirus?


Despite all the prophetic words—and the dreams from children—about coronavirus ending April 30, scientists are insisting the pandemic is likely to last as long as two years, the BBC reports.

Personally, I didn’t hear anything about when the coronavirus would end. I heard from other prophets that the general consensus was April 30 and put my faith on that date like the rest of us. But science is flying in the face of the prophetic utterance—or at least it looks that way through our natural eyes.

What’s going on?

CNN reported coronavirus killed an average of more than 739 people a day in the U.S. from Feb. 6 to April 30. As of May 5, the death toll so far hasn’t slowed, with scientists now predicting it will more than double by June 1—and ripple for years.

USA Today is pointing to Los Alamos National Laboratory research predicting the U.S. death toll will reach 100,000 deaths in the latter part of May. Other scientists are insisting on a second wave coming in the fall.

“Risk communication messaging from government officials should incorporate the concept that this pandemic will not be over soon,” according to the report for the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy “and that people need to be prepared for possible periodic resurgences of disease over the next two years.”

What’s going on?

What are we to make of these scientific predictions? Is the media lying to us about coronavirus? Are these scientists’ numbers fabricated? Is pharmakeia—which Bible lexicons define as poisoning, sorcery, magic arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it—flexing its muscles?

What’s going on?

Did the prophets miss it? Is the end date April 30, 2021, and not 2020? Did the church fail to pray and war with the prophetic word so we could see the end of this deadly virus? April 30 has come and gone, and COVID-19 is not gone.

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