Prophecy: What’s the Frenzy Surrounding Sept. 24?


What’s going to happen on Sept. 24? There’s a swirl in end-times prophecy circles about an ominous announcement from a member of the German government.

Specifically, a German legislator announced, “Everyone will not forget Sept. 24, 2022, and everyone will know exactly where he or she was.” {eoa}

Jennifer LeClaire is an internationally recognized author, apostolic-prophetic voice to her generation and conference speaker. She carries a reforming voice that inspires and challenges believers to pursue intimacy with God, cultivate their spiritual gifts and walk in the fullness of what God has called them to do. Jennifer is contending for awakening in the nations through intercession and spiritual warfare, strong apostolic preaching and practical prophetic teaching that equips the saints for the work of the ministry. Jennifer is senior leader of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, founder of the Ignite Network and founder of the Awakening Prayer Hubs prayer movement.


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