Prophetic Word: China Has More Viruses Locked, Loaded for Release


On April 23, the Holy Spirit showed me China is hiding information that needs to be released in the next 30 days—information that could impact the next 30 years.

The Holy Spirit described this as “shocking information.” This information has been kept under wraps since before the coronavirus pandemic erupted in Wuhan. However, there is a tie to the plagues—and the Holy Spirit told me there would be two more plagues after this current pandemic. (I am sure there will more than two plagues in the earth, but there was a sense of immediacy with regard to the two plagues coming quickly behind COVID-19.)

In a March 20, 2020 vision I saw Covid-19 splitting and mutating. We have prayed against that, but we’ve already seen coronavirus mutate and some are expecting a more deadly strain. We must keep praying. I am not settled in my spirit that these mutations are the two additional plagues the Holy Spirit mentioned to me.

As I’ve said, China’s hidden information goes beyond trade secrets. It goes beyond speculated bioweapons. It goes beyond digital currency. It goes beyond cyberwars to the point of world domination. All eyes will be on China, and shock and awe will follow the revelation of this information; information that needs to be exposed to the world in the next 30 days to avoid a crisis that ripples over the next 30 years. You can read the rest of my original article here.

What Is China Hiding?

What’s the latest? Your prayers are working. We are seeing leaks, but there’s more still that needs to come to the surface. I know in part, so I prophesy in part (see 1 Cor. 13:9) Many prophetic voices have seen other parts and shared them, but we still do not have the full picture.

Here’s what I feel heavy in my spirit: China has additional viruses locked and loaded for release. These viruses are essentially weaponized and could be used for mass destruction. In a quest for world domination, China is willing to suffer in the short-term to gain in the long-term. Again, remember China’s hidden information goes beyond trade secrets and speculated bioweapons to world domination.

Click here to read the rest of this story.


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