President-elect Donald Trump meets with evangelist Franklin Graham.

Why Muslims Want to Silence Franklin Graham’s Prayers


A major Muslim organization is working to shut Franklin Graham out of the inauguration—and doing plenty of name-calling in its efforts to silence his voice.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, called on President-elect Donald Trump to drop Franklin, describing him as a “notorious Islamophobe” from his listed of Inauguration Day intercessors.

“If President-elect Trump truly seeks to unite our nation as he promised in his acceptance speech, he will limit the list of those offering prayers at the inauguration to religious leaders who work to bring us together, not to create divisions between faiths,” said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad. “Rev. Graham’s ill-informed and extremist views are incompatible with the Constitution and with American values of religious liberty and inclusion.”

I beg to differ. I agree with Graham’s views on radical Muslim extremists. Islam is a false religion propagated by demon powers that enslaves people to oppressive ideologies. Although most Muslims are peaceful, radical Islamists don’t consider our peaceful Muslim neighbors as true adherents to the faith. Indeed, the extremists consider the moderates infidels.

And Awad is certainly no moderate. Investigation into his background reveals links to the Holy Land Foundation terror-funding case. Wiretaps reveal he was present at a Philadelphia meeting with Hamas leaders in 1993 where plans were birthed to filter $12 million in charitable giving to terrorists.

Graham is right when he says things like, “Every Muslim that comes into this country has the potential to be radicalized—and they do their killing to honor their religion and Muhammad.” He’s right when he calls Islam a “very evil and wicked religion.” He’s right when he says its followers are enslaved. We don’t see much of the true Islam in America, and I hope we never will.

I don’t expect President-elect Trump to bow to this group in the name of political correctness. Trump called Graham “instrumental” in his victory with evangelical Christians. {eoa}

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