Why Christians Are Rejoicing Over Trump’s Acquittal in This Week’s Impeachment Trial


The impeachment is over, and Donald Trump has been found not guilty, as we knew he would be. This impeachment never had any substance. No crime was committed. As I have written before, nothing about Russia, Ukraine or quid pro quo was even mentioned. Instead, it was ambiguous: Contempt of Congress (mainly because President Trump exercised his Constitutional rights under Separation of Powers). If anyone was in contempt, it was Congress, coming up with such ridiculous charges. The other was a charge of abuse of power. What does that mean?

Donald Trump was acquitted the day after his magnificent State of the Union address, which I opined about yesterday, and the same week as the debacle in the Iowa caucus. Clearly the Democratic Party is in disarray.

The only surprise and huge disappointment to me was Mitt Romney, who rejected what all of his Republican counterparts thought was right and sided with the Democrats. I regret that I ever endorsed him for president in 2012. We knew then he was not a strong leader and that he had flip-flopped his entire political career, and he has done it again. He will live to regret his decision.

But Romney does not represent how the majority of Republicans feel about Trump and the attack against him. Penny Nance, president and CEO of Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, said she hopes this Democratic abuse of power will end now that the trial is over.

“Now that the anticlimactic partisan impeachment is over, we hope Senate Democrats take a break from their relentless abuse of power to try to remove the President and instead join him in continuing the great comeback he outlined in last night’s State of the Union Address,” she wrote. “That is what I hear from our CWA supporters around the country. The overwhelming sense is that the whole impeachment sham was a total waste of time and taxpayer money.

“That is why, in the middle of all this political theatrics, the president’s approval numbers are the highest he has ever had. The people can recognize an injustice when they see it, and what the Democrats did to the President with this impeachment process was completely unjust.

“The President should be praised for the way he has handled the people’s business while a whole party dedicated itself full time to frustrating his every effort on behalf of the American people. They have failed today, as they have on every attempt before.

“The President won today, and with him the American people, too.”

I wrote in my book, God, Trump and the 2020 Election, that I believe Donald Trump would survive this attack, which he has. I believe the Democrats know they cannot beat him at the polls, but creating a “scandal” could make him damaged goods in the eyes of many voters.

In my book, I wrote that dishonesty on the other side was one reason why he actually might win. Let me reemphasize what I’ve said in the past. The impeachment was not about what Donald Trump may have said in a phone call with the Ukrainian president in July. It’s about the fact that this president has been standing for religious liberty and righteousness. He has stood with Israel. He is strong. He can’t be intimidated. The attacks were, in my opinion, from the pit of hell. As a Christian, I believe Satan is behind this. He is trying to steal, kill and destroy. I believe Donald Trump has been raised up by God to stop our nation’s headlong plunge into total depravity. Trump’s presidency has been God’s mercy on America, since we deserve judgment.

I’m amazed at how many sincere Christian friends have been surprised by all these demonic attacks against the president. Why should they be surprised? Satan hates it when America stands with Israel. He hates it when righteousness and religious freedom are championed. No wonder he and his minions have focused their hatred toward Donald Trump.

In my book, I included a chapter on why he might lose, even though I personally believe he will win. And prophets who I believe hear from God have said he will serve two terms.

Of course, the larger culture doesn’t believe in prophecy and could care less about God’s will. Even many Christians look at political trends and often use many of the same tactics as their secular counterparts in order to win at the polls. But as a charismatic Christian who believes in the work of the Holy Spirit and the gift of prophecy, I base my belief on what the prophets have said.

In his first three years as president, Donald Trump has exposed the deep state operatives, and the Department of Justice and the FBI have engaged in a blatant attempt to overthrow an elected president.

Two years ago, my friend Doug Wead, who recently wrote the book Inside Trump’s White House, appeared on Lou Dobbs Tonight and said something that in hindsight was prophetic. A clip of that interview has been circulating recently on the internet. Back then, Wead claimed that the deep state, which has successfully overthrown governments of foreign countries, was going to try to actively seek a coup d’etat of the duly elected president of the United States.

He also said that if there were ever a time in history to be concerned about the rise in communism, now is the time. Wead added that the deep state is determined to overthrow Donald Trump.

Even though Donald Trump has survived this attack, I believe the deep state will continue to try to remove him from office. At the same time, Bernie Sanders, whom I consider to be a communist even though he calls himself a Democratic socialist, seems to be ahead in the polls. How can this be?

The good thing is that these attempts are failing, one by one. I believe this is because of a hedge of protection around the president and because God has a plan and purpose for his administration and for our country. But we need to continue to pray. This is one of my main points in my new book—that Christians must pray and get involved.

I also believe that if Christians and other conservatives believe that the implosion of the Democratic Party, the failure of the impeachment, and so forth, will give Donald Trump a landslide, they may be complacent and stay home. Complacency is one of the main reasons why Donald Trump might lose, which is a subject for another day.

Please listen to my podcast in which I drill down more about this, and also get a copy of my new book, God Trump and the 2020 Election. It’s available at Amazon, Walmart, Sam’s, Barnes & Noble, Costco, BJ’s and, of course, most Christian bookstores. If you’d like an autographed copy of the book, buy it on our website: GodTrump2020.com.

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