Drop these hindrances to step into your God-created uniqueness.

Why Satan Hates It When You Wear Spirit-Designed Clothes


When people walk on the red carpet, the question is always asked, “Whose are you wearing?” People are identified by the designer of their clothes. Unfortunately, after the big night, the clothes no longer have any significance. The world tries to copy the clothes, and the uniqueness is lost in the counterfeit.

 The master designer has created a set of clothes for the woman of God that are worry- and fear-free and never wear out. They are designed with you in mind. You are an original—a unique woman of God—there are no copies of His original design, but we all share the common thread of forgiveness given to us by Jesus Christ.

When you receive Jesus, the Master Designer, He clothes you with the garment of salvation, the robe of righteousness and the garment of praise. “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness” (Is. 61:10a). “… the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness …” (Isaiah 61:3b).

Your robe of righteousness gives you your identity as a woman of God. “Righteousness” is a big word which simply means in right standing with God. You accepted Jesus Christ and now you are in right standing with God. You are free to worship the Lord with your garment of praise. Wrap your garment of praise around your robe of righteousness and leave no opening for the fiery darts of the enemy to penetrate your robe. Your garment of praise will stop the disappointments and discouragements that try to rip your robe.

Guard your wardrobe; don’t get caught naked and ashamed.  “… Blessed (happy, to be envied) is he who stays awake (alert) and who guards his clothes, so that he may not be naked and [have the shame of being] seen exposed!” (Rev. 16:15, AMPC).

When Eve listened to the enemy, her garment was torn, and a fiery dart of deception took root. She found herself naked and ashamed and tried to cover her sin with fig leaves. In our hurt and pain, we sometimes bury our unforgiveness, not allowing the scarlet thread of forgiveness to wash our robe of righteousness.

What condition is your robe in? As you walk the runway of life, with all its detours, has your robe had a few tears and rips from jealously, competition, fear and worry causing you to stumble over the loose threads of your life? You must learn to take the threads of each day and allow Him to weave them together for His masterpiece. If you feel you are totally unraveled, then I have good news for you. No matter what shape you are in, if you have totally messed up, or just have a few loose edges, all you have to do is submit the threads to the Lord. He will take the loose ends of your life and weave your life into the original design He created just for you.

Your garments give you the authority to infiltrate the powers of darkness that are trying to kill, steal and destroy your family, finances, relationships and health. They also give you the ability to be free of guilt, condemnation, fear and inferiority. You can walk the runway of life with the joy of the Lord as your strength, holding your head high in garments created by the master designer, Jesus Christ.

Remember, your enemy, Satan, has a counterfeit for everything, but he cannot copy what the Lord has designed for you. As my friend, John Mason says, “You are born an original; don’t die a copy.” {eoa}

Joyce Tilney is Founder of Women of God Ministries, teaching women today, from women of yesterday. For more information visit: www.wogministries.com. She is also author of Why Diets Don’t Work—Food Is Not the Problem, visit: www.whydiets.com for more information.


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