Jerry Sandusky

Why We Should Pray for Jerry Sandusky’s Sex Abuse Victims


Jerry Sandusky will sit behind prison bars for at least 30 years. Considering his age, that’s a life sentence.

Although he still disputes charges of child sexual abuse that shamed Penn State and spurred the downfall of coach Joe Paterno, the 68-year-old former assistant coach was found guilty of 45 counts of child sexual abuse. He was convicted of molesting 10 boys over 15 years and a sentence of 30 to 60 years came down on Tuesday.

Sandusky will appeal, but he’ll do it from a prison cell. Sandusky says he’s forgiven and been forgiven. But not all of Sandusky’s victims forgive him.

“I want you to know I don’t forgive you and I don’t know if I will ever forgive you,” one of the victims said, according to the Associated Press. “My only regret is that I didn’t come forward sooner.”

That last statement struck my spirit. Sandusky was convicted of molesting 10 boys, but it’s likely there are many more victims who did not come forward.

How many of Sandusky’s victims are running around with unforgiveness in their hearts? How many will spend eternity apart from Christ because they are too bitter to receive His love? I’m grieved, knowing that some are in bondage to unforgiveness after being sorely abused by a trusted authority figure.

Lord, bring justice! And not only for Sandusky’s victims, but for all victims of child sex abuse and sex trafficking. Lord, call forth more ministries to address the needs of sex abuse victims so that they can know the love of Christ that passes all understanding. Lord, break in and show the abusers the error of their wicked ways and bring them to your saving grace!

How should the church respond to child sex abuse? What is our role in combatting these societal issues? When children are abused, does it mean the church has failed in its duty to its communities? Discuss.


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